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Marzia's POV:

I was waiting at Emeel's home for john and her to come home from school. School...more like shoh. And it's an acronym. Seven Hours Of Headaches. I hated school, honestly. Everyone was constantly judging me. So after a year of occasionally raising my hand and answering a question, I stopped. I never said anything and no one knew my opinions. Ever. If my classmates forgot my voice..I wouldn't blame them.
A creak of the front door alerted me, ending my train of thought.
Emeel and john where home.
I ran in to hug them both.
"Yay! You're back!" I grinned.
Felix walked into the room as I let go, "emeel. Your mom texted me. You have to go to catechism tonight. Start on your homework or whatever and be ready to leave at 6:50."
Emeel moaned as she marched upstairs, john following her.
"How do they expect kids to finish their towering homework and go to a two hour religion class...and get 8 hours of sleep?" I crossed my arms, shaking my head.
"I don't know. But all I know is that I don't have to walk her to her class room...and be noticed." Felix smiled, giving a "thumbs up".
I opened my mouth to speak but Felix interrupted me, "no. You're not going. Not after the fiasco today."
I remembered the moment when I told Felix what had happened. And telling the story, out loud, I realized how stupid it sounded. It was like I freaked out for nothing. But during that situation, it was all I could do. I couldn't keep myself from panicking. I couldn't keep myself from being shy. I couldn't keep myself from being...myself.
"I don't know.." I sheepishly smiled.
Felix stared into my eyes and I did the same.
His light blue eyes fit him perfectly. To me, I see it as a happy, daytime, blue sky. The pastel color hiding the darker side to him. The night sky.
The side to him that was mysterious...dramatic, dangerous, and spooky. Many would see him as a silly comical gimic. But that is not at all what I see. I see a happy, kindhearted, smart, mysterious, and lovable person. I see absolute perfection. I see...my true love.
"Your happiness is more important than my fame. I'm driving emeel to catechism. And that's final." He insisted.
Before I could protest, he took me into his embrace.
"I love you Marzia." He whispered.
I hugged him tighter, "Felix means happy. You definitely make me happy."

Emeel's POV:

"UGH! I hate catechism! I wish I didn't have to go. It's so boring!" I complained.
John was sitting at the corner of my bed.
He hesitated, "what if I go with you?"
His question caught my attention.
"But you're not religious." I reminded him.
"But you are..and I want to go." He said bluntly.
I shrugged, "okay. But if you outburst 'I'm agnostic', I don't know you."
John laughed, walking across my room to sit down in my pink beanbag chair, gesturing me to sit down next to him. I shuffled over and dropped myself into the beanbag chair. John's arm around my shoulder. "So how has your fans been holding up?" I changed the subject.
I rolled my eyes, "your fans! from youtube..are they doing ok with you not uploading videos?"
"Probably not. But seeing you was worth it." He giggled.
His shoulders folded in as he spoke, "do you think that you could ever..be in one of my gaming videos? With me?"
"Absolutely! And...you don't need to be shy to ask me. I'm sure Felix won't mind us using his camera and laptop.We can film now, if you'd like. We have almost 6 hours until we leave." I smiled.
"That sounds great! Just know that we have to edit it. We need at least two hours." John jumped up.
I began to think about amnesia. I was really curious to play the game. But I don't think Felix would appreciate that.
I got up from the beanbag chair like john, "okay! we can play one of the games you got me! Do you think we could play sims 4?"
John grabbed my hand and bumped his shoulder into mine, "Of course."
"Okay. We should ask Felix to use his camera." I said, guiding john downstairs.
Felix was setting the knives and forks on the table, along with the napkins, and Marzia was cooking dinner. The pugs, both annoying them.
After Felix seemed to have completed the task, John and I walked up to him.
"Felix.." I began, "John and I were wondering if we could use your recording equipment to film a gaming video for his channel." Felix folded his arms, "well I don't see why not. Just don't break anything and you'll be okay."
I turned to john with an excited smile to see that he was making the same face.
"I'll drive you guys over to my house." He said, picking up his jacket, "Marzia, will you be okay?"
She nodded with a bright smile on her face. And we left.
Johns POV:

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