The date part 1

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WARNING: this chapter has strong language in it!


Emeel's POV:

Me and Marzia were sitting on the couch, panting, when Felix busted through the door. He acted like that lady was going to kill someone! But she wasn't the one with a gun.

Out of rage, I got up and confronted him, "What the fuck was that about?!"

"Emeel! Language!" Marzia glared.

"Well you guys gave me permission to curse and this seems like a goddamn good time to use that ability!" I pointed out.

"Well, I don't want to be involved." Marzia said, walking away.

Felix didn't seem to care about my words, all he was concerned about was the lady that he almost killed. We got into a huge fight about it.

"Stay away from that woman!" Felix commanded.

"What the hell was I supposed to do? Just watch her suffer?!"


"What the fuck is wrong with you? You're acting like a child! You had a gun and pointed it at the lady!"

"It wasn't loaded...but she was a stranger...I was trying to protect you!"

"From what? Being a good person?"


Felix sat on the couch with a disappointed look in his eyes.

"Well...what then?" I asked.

"It was the year after Marzia had moved with me, to Sweden. She couldn't speak any Swedish, though. So when the homeless people on the streets asked for money, she didn't know what they were saying. I told her that if they said 'har du några pengar' it means 'do you have any money'. And 'tack så mycket' was 'thank you very much'. But when we were walking to the coffee shop...a homeless lady asked for money. I told Marzia to keep walking because it was such a common sight in Sweden. We were low on money, at the time too. But she insisted and gave the lady five dollars...which a generous amount. But apparently it wasn't to the homeless woman. She said 'det är inte tillräckligt'. Marzia knew that the lady wasn't saying any of the sentences I had explained to her. The lady said that it wasn't enough. The next thing I knew, she pulled out a knife and tripped me. Once I got up and opened my eyes...Marzia was being choked by the woman while a knife was at her throat. I felt like the world was ending. That's when Marzia elbowed the lady in the stomach to escaped the death trap. I grabbed Marzia's hand and we ran away from the scene immediately. Turns out that Marzia's tougher than she looks. She thought to defend herself. She taught me techniques that she knew...and I'm glad that she did. Because the same situation happened three months later. From now on, I can't trust any homeless person. And I won't take the risk of someone being killed. Especially someone that I love. I'm trying to protect you." Felix explained.

"But...not all people are like that." I reminded him.

"You never know. But what you DO that there is always the chance. And you can't trust strangers." He assured.

I never knew that Felix had such a history with Marzia. It seems like they have been through everything together. Well...starting from the year 2011. It's been from the first "hello" to someone almost dying...twice. But they are still together today. Now that's true love; still staying with someone even after troubles. Because true love isn't breaking up after a fight or a difficult's figuring out a way to make it better.

"So will you promise me that you won't talk to that lady again?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yes.."

"Felix! He's in Britain....we have 40 minutes." Marzia said.

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