New friends

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Emeel's POV:
I wake up to the smell of waffles, the breakfast that my mom hasn't made for me in almost 4 years. It was either because she was too tired or didn't have the ingredients. So this was a rare occurrence. I quickly got dressed, wearing my newly bought clothes.
Shirt: (22)
Skirt: (19)
Shoes: (20)

I ran down the stairs, to the kitchen, to find that it wasn't my mom. It was Felix.
"Good morning...Mr. Mom." I joked.
Felix giggled, "Your mom told me to come over and bring you to school. So I made waffles. John ate already. Your turn!"
I sat down as he put a plate of waffles Infront of me.
"Hello emeel, glad to see that you're up." John said, walking downstairs.
"Good morning." I beamed.
John placed a kiss on my cheek.
"Hashtag scute!" Marzia said, as she walked out of the bathroom. She was wearing a puffy white sleeve, mini summer dress with white flats.
Slightly embarrassed, I nervously laughed.
"Hashtag jemeel!" John joked.
"Oh yeah, I saw that on your Instagram." Felix remembered, "so many goddamn fangirls."
"You say that like you're page isn't exploding with them." Joke retorted.
Felix rolled his eyes, "I never said it wasn't!"
"We should get going. School starts at 8:00." Marzia mentioned.

So we got in the car, this time Marzia was driving.

When we arrived at the school it was 8:50, almost an hour late.
"Oh no. We're late. Felix...That means you have to bring us to the office and get a tardy slip. What are you gonna do? You can't show your face at my school! You'll get noticed for sure." I panicked.
"Would you like me to bring them inside, instead? I'm not as popular." Marzia suggested.
"Marzia, don't say that. You are just as known as I am. Besides, your outfit gives it away." Felix dismissed.
"Well you certainly can't got together. That's a dead giveaway." John reminded.
"I'll go." Marzia insisted.
"Marzia..." Felix said.
"Stay in the car, Felix. I have an idea." Marzia said, getting out of the car.
She returned from the trunk of the car, wearing a large hoodie and sweatpants, followed by sunglasses.
"Okay...that could work." Felix acknowledged.
Marzia opened the car door and let john and I out.

Walking down the school hallway, I noticed the attention that John was drawing from the crowd.
He was pretty calm about it. But I, however, hated it. I am really shy and hate to be noticed. Marzia was shy, as well, but she didn't seem to mind the glances.
We walked into the school's main office, immediately being judged by the vice principal.
"No sunglasses in the building." She commanded.
"But I'm just going to be here for a few minutes. And I'm not a student." Marzia confessed.
"Oh, okay. If that's the reason...I still don't care. They aren't allowed." The vice principal sassed.
"Please?" Marzia begged.
"No! This school is far too fancy for trashy behavior. Follow the rules and take off your sunglasses." She insisted.
"Well I'm pretty sure that being rude isn't fancy." Marzia remarked, slowly taking off her sunglasses.
The vice principal slid a tardy slip towards Marzia, guestureing her to sign it.
Marzia turned around and hugged john and I.
"Don't tell anyone where we live." She joked, as she let go.
Then, 6th grader entered the room, stopping in their steps as she saw Marzia. She obviously knew who she was.
"Marzia!" She yelled, running to hug Marzia, "I love your youtube channel! I can't believe that I'm meeting you in person!!"
But this wasn't a fan meet-and-greet, this was Marzia's daily life, she wasn't prepared to meet someone new. In fact, she never really is. I remember the look she gave me when I introduced myself. She most likely knew that Felix was going to babysit me that day, but her shyness got the best of her.

Marzia screamed in shock of the sudden event.
She struggled to loosen the grip of the girl whose arms were wrapped around Her waist.
"Get away! Leave me alone!!" She panicked.
Once she broke free, the fright on her face trasformed into guilt.
The little girl ran out of the office, crying
Marzia began to realize the what she had done.
She collapsed in the chair on her left, covering her mouth, soon wiping her eyes from the tears.
"I made a little girl cry!" She muttered, tears running down her cheeks.
At first, I was surprised, not know that Marzia had a youtube channel. But that didn't matter as much as the crisis that she was going through.
"'s oka--" I began.
"NO ITS NOT!" Marzia yelled, "I made a little girl cry and she probably hates me now. What part if that sounds 'okay'?!"
"I'm just trying to help." I said, defensively.
"Well maybe you shouldn't bother. I'm always going to be this way And no one can change me." Marzia said, putting on her sunglasses.
There was a long pause of silence, not knowing what to say next.
"To I know what..I'm leaving." Marzia stormed out the room.
Once she left, I could feel a pain of guilt. I had never seen Marzia freak out like that. I knew she was shy but I didn't know she was afraid of meeting new people. I know that it's just the way she is, but I couldn't help but blame myself.
John knew that I was upset, he hugged me for comfort. It always made me feel so much better. But this time, the anxiety of knowing the previous situation continued to follow me.
"You two need to get to class. Don't forget the tardy slip." The vice principal reminded.
I Retrieved the slip and headed out the door with john by my side. I gave the office lady a smile as I left, but all my brain was thinking was 'I hate you'.

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