The argument.

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Marzia's POV:

Today is the day! Emeel is coming to our house after school! I'm so excited. Felix was still sleeping, he needed it. He was working on Emeel's birthday party almost all night. Yes, even though her birthday wasn't until tomorrow.

I told him that he didn't have to invite his friends (Toby, Cry, Ken, Shane, and Jack.) because they weren't even Emeel's age! Any conversation that they would start would be adult matters, Emeel is only a kid. Although she watches Pewdiepie's she does have maturity....I think. Felix was up since 3:00 a.m. last night, trying to call every one of his friends. Usually I'm the one who plans everything. Being the follower was difficult, But not impossible. I saw her comment on Pewds's newest video, it was so sweet! I'm glad that I showed her his channel. I know that I could've showed her my channel instead, but that's selfish. I want to earn my views fairly. Because I hate self-promotion, so I don't want to be a hypocrite. However, Felix is the love of my life and I would do anything to help him out. I hate seeing him unhappy.

I then remember what happened when I tried to wake him up after maya went missing. He was screaming in agony as I was calling his name. Once he was awake, he was sobbing. Then he saw me...he wasn't crying from fear or sadness but of joy. He held me in his arms for what seemed like forever. Like he was losing me. I became more and more curious to what he had dreamed about that night. I'm certainly not going to wake up Felix to ask, I'm just going to wait. I pulled out a piece of drawing paper, a pencil, and started to doodle.

Felix's POV:

I wake up by my cell phone and phone book. Oh yeah, I was inviting my friends to Emeel's party. I tried inviting Smosh, but they weren't answering, most of the people I called accepted the invitation, so it didn't phase me. I picked up my tablet and opened up the PewdiepiexMarzia fanfiction. I was on an exciting part, too. Marzia felt sick and I drove her to the hospital. I can't wait to read the next part! I brought the tablet with me to the living room. I saw Marzia drawing by the coffee table.

"Woah! That's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life!" I said. Marzia rolled her eyes,"You've seen my drawings, this isn't exactly a scientific breakthrough."

"I was talking about you." I smiled.

Marzia's eyes widened and she blushed, "You're so sweet." She wrapped her arms around me, And I kissed her forehead. Marzia had a way of getting rid of my stress. She made me happy no matter what mood I was in.

I say down on the couch, near Marzia. She continued to draw and I read the story on my tablet.


This part was the story Felix was reading


Marzia was pretty quiet. She didn't say anything but occasionally grunting. She must be in immense pain. She gets sick so often that she doesn't normally complain when she's ill. But she wasn't exactly "complaining" either.

"Okay Marzia, where here. Would you like me to help you out of the car?" I asked.

Marzia shook her head in dismiss, but she obviously needed my help. She struggled to get out of the seat until I insisted that I help -her. She was fine walking on her own, but just in case, I stayed close to her. We entered the hospital and walked up to the front desk.

"Hello, I believe I scheduled a check up for Marzia Bisognin." I mentioned.

The lady behind the computer nodded her head, "Yes, you're right on time...a doctor will be with you shortly, please take a seat in the waiting room." I turned around and started to walk to the room, until marzia uttered her first words since we left the house. I turned towards her, smiling to hear her voice again.

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