The Party

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Marzia's POV:

Once we returned home, I opened the trunk of the car and grabbed the shopping bags.
Emeel rushed over to me, grabbing half of what I was carrying, "Oh! Let me help!"
I would have been fine with carrying everything, but I won't lie, they were pretty heavy. We ended up spending all but 1,124$. Which is a good amount left over, if you ask me.
Entering the house wasn't a challenge since the hand that was carrying the other half of the bags was now free.
Emeel, who was happy to haul a portion of the items, entered the house after me. We then were greeted by Edgar, whom jumped around, extremely hyper.
Emeel and I put the bags down.
"Where's Felix?" She asked.
"I think he's editing the video." I answered.
Emeel fished through the shopping bags and pulled out the video camera.
"Let's scare him!" She whispered.
I nodded my head and giggled, "You're crazy! ...Perfect!"
We slowly crept to the gaming room, Emeel holding the camera while it was set to "record".
Standing in the doorway, we could see that Felix was preoccupied by "Final Cut Pro".
Once Emeel and I made our way behind Felix, she pointed the camera at Felix and I. He had his headphones on, so I had to scream loud enough for him to hear.
I slammed both my hands on his shoulders and screeched.

"AAAAHHHHYOUCRAZYPERSON!!!" He shrieked altogether as he fell out of his chair.
Emeel and I cackled.
Felix stood back up and saw the camera.
"'re filming this?" He asked, pointing.
Emeel and I were still laughing. We couldn't speak, so we just nodded our heads. Felix didn't seem angry, just in shock. He sat back down in the chair.
"Oh my god." He mumbled, facepalming.
"Did we scare you?" Emeel asked.
Felix crinkled his eyebrows at Emeel, "No. I just 'pokerfaced' through the whole thing. Ever heard of it? It's when you completely freak out and potentially break the nearest object."
I could tell he was being sarcastic, but he sounded too irritated to joke around.
Emeel turned off the camera and handed it to Felix. "Here...we filmed when we went shopping. Some footage was just of looking at clothes, but the majority is showing off what we bought." She said.
"Dressing rooms are awesome for filming." I smiled.
Felix took the camera and hooked the memory card up to the computer.
"I'll edit the video while we wait for the guests to arrive. I don't care what you do while you wait...just don't scare me again." Felix said, chuckling to himself.

Emeel and I walked to the living room and sat on the couch.


*knock* *knock* *knock*

I went to answer the door.
"Marzia! Hey!" Jack said, giving me a friendly hug.
"Sean! I'm so glad you came." I smiled.

His real name is Sean, but everyone on YouTube still calls him Jack. No one knows why, but I guess It just suits his energetic personality better. However he seems much more satisfied when people call him by his real name, in person.
"Ken and Mark aren't far from the house. Cry couldn't come, he had the flu." Jack shrugged.
"Poor Cry." I said in pity, knowing how miserable the flu was for me when I caught the virus in Japan.

Thankfully, Felix planned ahead and told his friends about the party way before the day of to give them time to prepare videos in advance.
"So where's Emeel?" Jack said.
I pointed to the living room, "Over there."
Jack nodded his head and walked to the living room while I followed.
Emeel who was sitting on the couch, watching YouTube.
"Whatcha watching?" He asked.

Emeel turned around to see who the voice belonged to.

"Hey, I..I know you! You're Jack....Jacksepticeye!" She beamed, "But wait...what are you doing here?"

He laughed, "Your birthday party, of course!"

"I wasn't expecting a party..I'm shy and awkward around people." She said.

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