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Marzia's POV:

I woke up to Felix faking a snore. I knew he was trying to mock me...even though I didn't snore.

" wake up!" Felix jokingly sang. I swear, there is definitely something wrong with him.
But I can't help but love him so much.

"Come on! Even Emeel is awake. You gotta get up! I made pancakes!" He tried to convince me.
I decided to comply.
I was wearing my pug pajamas that made me smile every time I Looked at the cute cartoon puppy on the front.

He stopped, "Oh, and we have to make the video in an hour."

"Okay I'll put on my make up." I said.

Felix half-smiled, "You'll look flawless either way."
He was like a child admiring a cute puppy. That was another reason why I loved Felix. He is just too kind for the word "nice" to describe. When you're in love, most of the time words can't be used to explain why you're in love. It's just a second nature. I know what I love about him, but I can't explain why I love the way he giggles..or the way he just understands me.

Once I got dressed, I left my bedroom. At the dining table, I saw Emeel who was still eating pancakes. And Felix...well I didn't know where he was.

I wore my white dress that I designed myself. "Dream" was the name of it. My white sandals where pretty dull compared to the necklace I was wearing. It was a three-chain silver necklace with small symbolic charms on each section. It added such an antique aesthetic to any article of clothing.

"Hey Marzia!" Emeel said, still chewing.

"Hey Emeel. Happy birthday!" I replied, "Where's Pewds?"

Emeel held up her index finger to say "hold on" because she still had a mouthful of food. Once she finished, she answered, "He told me he needed to call my mom on my phone because his wasn't working. He's in his office."

I made my way to the door and opened it to find Felix holding Emeel's phone to his ear and his phone to Emeel's, on "Voice Memos". His back was turned to me, so he didn't see me walk in.

"Okay, it's gonna be great. See you tomorrow! Trust me, I love you too." He spoke in to the device.

What? Who was he talking to? Who was meeting us tomorrow? I silently laughed at my "reality tv show"-like concerns. It was a funny joke. To think that Felix would ever do something like that is insane. If anything, this is a prank. He probably wanted to record a video for his channel. The camera is definitely hidden in this room. I played along, pretending to be angry.

It's just a prank bro

I yelled at Felix while slamming the door behind me, "Who are you talking to?"
I must have startled Felix because he jumped back, letting out a squeak.

(Emeel heard the scream.
"God dammit Marzia.." She thought.)

Felix stared at me nervously until I spoke again, in a louder voice.
"WHO WERE YOU TALKING TO?!" I questioned, scanning the room for where the camera hid.

Felix stuttered, "Marzia...if I tell you then you'll probably be mad at me...but I-if I don't, then you'll think I'm doing something else and you'll be mad at me."

I raised my brow, "Wait..this is for real? I thought this was a prank."

He shook his head, "No.."

"Oh..well who were you talking to?"

"I can't tell you." He winced.

"Felix..." I whined, "I want to know!"

He hesitated, "Fine...I made sure to record it with 'Voice Memos' on my older phone." He had two phones. One that he used for everything and one that we didn't pay for data on, for more photo storage. I started to question just who he had called..that he needed to record the conversation.

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