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"Race, youse really drunk, ain't ya?" Jack said as he was getting ready to send off Race's group to Brooklyn. "Ise told ya, me and Spot gots into a bit ofs an argument. I don't wanna sees him sober, he's mad at me" Race said, his head leaning on his hand. "Boo hoo, you'll be fine" Jack said, patting Race on the back. Race rolled his eyes. "Whatever, I'll go ons now"

×Time Skip×

   As the group was making their way towards Brooklyn, Race was having faster mood swings than a woman on her period. One minute he was whooping and hollering and then the next he was crying onto some Newsies' shoulder. They had finally reached Brooklyn, and Race stayed behind the group a little. He didn't want to face his boyfriend, and he knew Spot would probably get even angrier at him for being drunk.
   A Newsie knocked on the door, a little slot opening up, showing some random teen's eyes. "Whats ya business here?" The thick Brooklyn accent asked. "Tells Spot that Racetrack is here to sees him" The same Newsie who knocked on the door said. Race's eyes widened. "You son of a bitch" He mumbled, crossing his arms. The slot closed and a few minutes after, the door was pushed open, revealing Spot.
   "Oh, hey. Come on in" Spot said, somewhat surprised that more people were there. Race stumbled his way in, trying not to fall or look like he was drunk. He burped loudly, then tripped over himself. He landed on the ground with an 'oof' then began giggling, immediately revealing the fact that he was shit faced. Spot crossed his arms, a slightly annoyed look on his face. He took Race by the hand and yanked him up. He slung Race over his shoulder and walked to his office/room.
   Race rolled his eyes, but didn't fight it. Finch was walking behind Spot and Race. Finch winked, smirking. He mouthed something along the lines of 'fucking gay'. Race couldn't agree with him more. They finally reached their destination and Spot put Race down after he opened the door, getting a whine from Race.
   "Okays, so anyones wanna tell mes what's up" Spot asked, crossing his arms again. Race perked up, raising his hand like a little kid in school. Spot rolled his eyes, "Ya, Race". "Okay, babe, sos we'res doin' this thing where wes are goin' ons strike cuz of the whole price increase ors whateva" Race explained, surprising everyone, including Spot, with the pet name. Spot blushed a bit. "O-okay. Ahem, sos I wants to make sure ya aren't gonna gives up after the first difficult obstacle throwns in ya ways. So come gather us afters ya next battle withs Pulitzer, kay?" Spot explained, stuttering a bit, which no one, besides Race, had ever seen him do.
   "Youse so cute when youse stutter" Race cooed, making Spot blush more. "A-and bring him sober next time" Spot said, pointing at his boyfriend. "Youse guys can hangs out for a bits, just know Race is staying heres tonight" Spot added, looking anywhere but the Newsies in front of him. The Newsies, besides Race and Spot, filed out of the room. The door was closed and Spot turned to Race. His face had a look of anger, and Race whimpered slightly.
   "Whys the FUCK are youse drunk?!" Spot asked angrily, putting emphasis on 'fuck'. Race ducked his head down, tearing up. "I-I-Ise didn't wants youse to still bes mad at me, and I thoughts youse were, sos I gots d-drunk" Race stuttered, tears spilling out. Race couldn't see it, but Spot's face softened and he dropped his arms. He sat Race down on a couch, sitting beside him and pulling Race close to him.
   Spot kissed the top of Race's head. "Hey, sweetie, Ise not mad at ya. Ise was just a littles frustrated is all. I loves ya mores than anyone can loves anything, Anth" Spot said, hugging Race closer. "S-sos...youse ain't mad at mes?" Race asked, looking up at Spot. "Never" Spot smiled, kissing Race softly. Race smiled, blushing. They stayed like that for most of the night, not wanting to move, loving each other way more than they should.

Half the things im publishing are old, my main site is ao3 now @Newsboys but whatever ill still post here ig

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2018 ⏰

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