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This is based on my opinion that Ozai would've added more to Zuko's banishment and not told him, but made everyone else aware of it. By more I mean :whipping him if they crossed his path, beating him, burning him, etc. 

Zuko's pov

I wake in the morning and sigh as the sun shines in my face, it's energy filling me, even where the skin is rough and rigid. I can feel how the ones on my back pull at my shoulders, and how the ones on my sides pull tight when I breathe too deeply. I have been tempted to remove my shirt several times while teaching Aang, to avoid having to fix my clothes or overheat, but I don't want them to see these scars and feel pity for me. So, I leave my shirt on at all times, except for when I sleep. I get up and pull on my clothes, going with ones that are a bit more loose, not enough to fall off my frame, but enough that they won't mess with the scars too often, because today's gonna be one of those days :The skin left sensitive to every brush of the shirt, every passing of the breeze, and the temperature difference. I usually don't have a problem, but this might give me one. 

I grab my swords and carry them beside me as I go to meditate in one of the places that has a nice view of the rising sun. I set the swords aside and then sit down, focusing on my breathing, the path of my chi and then matching inner flame to rise and fall with my breathing. I can feel the fire burning through my veins and I wince when it reaches areas with scars, they are sensitive to even this, but only when I focus on the chi paths, lest it make a real problem. I sigh as the sun rises a little higher, indicating it's been nearly an hour. I stand and grab my swords, before settling into my routine. Swing, parry, thrust and dodge, turn on heel and swish. A noise distracts me and I move too far, pulling hard enough to send a small pain along my side.

I wince and then turn to see what made the noise. It's Katara, who obviously made the noise on purpose, to distract me. I don't glare at her like I kinda want to, instead I give her a nod and go back to practicing. I can feel her gaze, watching and maybe even learning, if only so she can counter and block my every move. Soon, Aang and Sokka come out, followed soon by Toph. I don't know why, but I have a really bad feeling in my stomach, my gut telling me something is going to happen today. We all settle in to eat breakfast,and I smile when Toph drops to the ground beside me. We start to eat and it's relatively silent, until Toph finishes and turns to me. The feeling gets worse and I swallow, prepared for almost anything.

"So, Sparky, why don't you ever take off your shirt?"

I swallow, really wishing she hadn't asked, cause now the others look thoughtful, before realizing that, she's right, I never take off my shirt, and now they're all looking at me. I sigh and set my bowl aside, still almost gone, before trying to decide how to answer.

"How much do you know about Fire-nation banishments?"

They all look confused, so probably not much. Well, given the fact none of them are firbenders, or Fire Nation, I guess that was honestly a given. I should've realized that.

"When someone is banished from the Fire-nation, they are given a set of rules they must abide by, no matter what, or they can be killed, along with anyone associated with them. My father changed my banishment terms."

"What does this have to do with your shirt?"

"My terms where changed to this : never step on Fire-nation land, find the Avatar and bring him home in chains, and if you run into any other fire nation people, they have the right to whip, beat or burn you, as they so wish."

There's a silence and I eat the rest of my food, before setting the bowl on the ground and beginning to stand up. I would like to continue on with my day, but I figure I won't be able to, so I silently make several changes, moving or lengthening some of the activities I had planned today.

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