24- never have I ever

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Zuko pov

I can't believe I got pulled into this. We're all sitting on the floor of my bedroom, even Toph who's working on becoming an earthbending teacher, and we are playing the stupidest game I have ever heard of.

"Never have I ever... gone more than 2 days without sleep."

I sigh and take a sip of my water, kinda feeling a lot like I'm being attacked. Everything they've said has been aimed at me or with me in mind and it's getting ridiculous. 

"Never have I ever been a Prince."

I glare and point to Sokka, since he's the son of the chief, which makes him a prince in and of itself. We both take a sip and I sigh, it's my turn. I don't know if I should do this...

"Never have I ever... listened to music."

There are several gasps, all sounding offended, and then everyone takes a sip. I wince, but smile, glad I managed to get everyone. I wasn't sure if airbender's even had music.

"Never have I ever... gotten a tattoo."

I wince and try to take a small, unseen sip. However, Toph sees and immediately points to me.

"I want to feel this tattoo. I know you got it not too soon after the war ended."

"Really? How do you know I didn't get it before? Fire Nation doesn't have an age restriction on tattoos."

"Really? So I could go ask for a tattoo and get one?"

"Yes, you could."

"Stop moving the conversation forward, I want to feel this tattoo. Or at least have someone describe it."

I sigh and remove my shirt and lift one pant leg. Across my left shoulder blade, which hurt like hell, let me tell you, is a dragon, big and red and growling. On my leg, the words 'never forget who you are' in neat, cursive letters. 

"They are awesome. How much did they cost?"

(Don't know fire nation money, sorry.)
"Not too much, since I was still the prince when I got them. No one wanted to really charge the prince for anything. Let alone a tattoo. The Fire Lord, however, was not very pleased when he saw them."
There's a silence as that sinks in,then-
"Never have I ever slept on Appa."
Toph grins evil like, and I smile, glad she was having fun. I don't take a sip, since I really haven't slept on Appa, but everyone else does.
"Never have I ever... Been poisoned."
I wince-where did that come from?- before taking a drink. I was a prince at one time, I have been poisoned before... Even if Azula did that a few times.
"Wait, you've been poisoned? Why? How?"
I shrug, why do they all look so worried and confused? I was a prince, am now the Fire Lord, and they expect me to not have been poisoned?
"Perks of being a prince and Fire Lord. Not everyone likes me, ya know. They put it in food, or drink and try and inject it while I'm sleeping, give it to me as a pill. Poison is evolving a lot, and it has managed to get me a few times."
I'm starting to think this was a bad game to play, with everything I'm being asked to explain, but I feel a little lighter after every one, like a mini weight being moved and taken away. Still don't like this game.

"Never have I ever...slept through something important."

Almost everyone takes a sip, so I feel better taking mine. Amusement is shared as we all glance at each other, before we decide we need to share it.

"Well, I sorta slept through my dad's false alarm, that he rang for me, a couple of days before he left, which was a bad thing, since I was the only warrior he was leaving."

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