26 - Combustion man

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What would've happened if Zuko had ended up injured in the fight with Combustion man on(in?) the temple and hid it, since he was so new to the group? (Now, most will say Toph can sense it, but remember he has just burned her feet and she can't 'see' very well right now. You'll understand later.)

Zuko's pov

I knew hiring an assassin, a bounty hunter one, at that, was not smart, but I thought I'd gotten him to stop. I tried, offered anything he might want, aside from the Avatar - Aang - dead, and got blasted off the side of the sidewalk we were on. I wince as my arm grabs one of the many, numerous vines hanging around, the texture and pressure putting strain on weakened muscles and the recent injury on my side. Getting shoved forcefully along the ground at any point, especially with fire as the explosive, hurts.

It might've seemed like I kept my shield and balance from an angle, but I lost my footing and fell onto my side almost immediately. I can feel the air running along and in the open wounds on my side, but those aren't important, and especially not bothersome, compared to my broken ribs. They aren't wrapped now - goddamn stone tore through the gauze I was using - and they ache something fierce, but I need to get back up to the top.

I start pulling myself up, slow, and steady, taking a few second long breaks to push the pain down and away - something I do often - while I continue to climb. When I reach the top there's an explosion, and I watch as the bounty hunter falls into the canyon below, not really caring if he survives or not. I groan, but push myself up, settling on my back on the ground. God, I hurt, but I know fully well Katara won't heal me, for any reason.

With a groan, and a hand subtly settled on my side, I start walking - limping, but they don't honestly care, so who will see? -  along the ground, knowing I have to make my way down to them. I hope Toph is doing ok, and that she doesn't discover my injuries. That would suck so immensely for me, that I can't even describe it. She'd probably laugh and say I deserved them for burning her -and honestly we all know I deserve so much more, all the pain and suffering and hurt I caused - the night she came to help me.

Would she be willing to forgive me, if I do something for her? Maybe. I turn a corner and find the group all there, staring at me like an insect they've never seen... or that they truly hate with the entirety of their heart. Nothing can hide my wince when I meet Katara's gaze - coughcough glare coughcough - and the others all narrow their eyes in suspicion. I raise my hands in defeat, unable to keep my body from drooping to the left, the less broken, torn apart side. I can see Toph's frown from where she's sitting, but obviously the burn's are messing with her sight.

Before anyone can say anything, or move, Toph stands, and then she gets closer. She's kinda limp, walking, since both feet are burned, and I panic when I see her start to fall, especially since she is so much closer to me than the others. I shove all my weight off one foot, propelling myself forward in time to catch her, even if it's a bit of a painful landing. My leg hurts, and my side burns, but I turn to Toph, who's frown has deepened.

I wince, knowing I've been found already, but before she can say anything, open her mouth, change her position, a blue whirlwind is taking her away, and checking on her feet, lecturing her on 'staying still and not moving ' ' you'll make you're recovery longer ' and ' why do you keep staring at him, like that? He didn't hurt you anymore, did he?' while I slowly stand back up, wary of the dangerous, pissed off waterbender near me. They are a very scary thing when angry.

"...Thank you. For helping?"

"You're welcome?"

I am not used to being thanked for something. I open my mouth to explain, ask for forgiveness, something, but it comes out as a gasp as a hand settles a bit roughly on my ribs. I groan and try to shuffle back, but the hand stays there and doesn't move, even as Toph grabs hold of my clothes. I wince as she yanks me down and then her other hands is resting on my actual chest, skin to skin. I freeze and lock eyes with Aang and then Sokka, trying to escape or get some help escaping. Neither look inclined to help, and let Toph as she pleases.

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