22- protective

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So you know, this is everyone being protective of Zuko, who is self conscious about his scar and ashamed about what he's done in the past, and then Zuko being protective over everyone when someone makes a jab at them when they're together.


I watch as Zuko pulls the hood further over his head, trying to hide his scar and  ignore all the comments made towards him. We didn't have time to get better disguises before we entered this town and Katara wouldn't help Zuko in anyway, and I don't have the ability, so we left the Western air temple looking normal. My arrows are covered with some dirt, enough to block them. 

I can see people glancing suspiciously at Zuko, and I know it pains him, cause it shows through his eyes, or at least the one I can see. Not only that, but with every glance he gives an almost unseeable flinch, likes he's excpecting to be hit. I glance towards the stalls, tugging Zuko towards one where we need to get something. He comes along, not paying too much attention.

I regret turning to look at the stall, because I hear some scuffling and then there's almost complete silence. I turn and see Zuko holding a young boy up, and gently checking him over, asking if he's lost or if he's hurt. The little boy shakes his head, his lip quivering, and he pulls the kid to him. The people finally get back to themselves, I guess, because they start roaring and hollering. 

Zuko flinches and raises a hand to his head, finally realizing his hood has fallen off. His eyes widen, but he never lets go of the boy. I stride forward, gently crouching down beside the two and smiling.

"Hey, what's your name?"

"M'name is Kensu. Who are you?"

Zuko smiles softly at him, a look he reserves for those who he cares for. Wonder how often his family got to see that smile when he was younger?

"My name is Aang, an this big grump is Zuko. What do you say you come with us, hmm?"

Kensu nods, and squirms impossibly closed to Zuko, who just lifts the kid up and turns to leave, but in the time we were talking, the people had made a circle. They all looked angry and a few are pushing their kid behind them, like he would hurt or kidnap them. I see the hurt in Zuko's eyes, and I feel the warmest  emotion I have ever felt before burst from my chest and through the rest of my body. I'm standing a few feet in front of my friend before I remember moving.






All the people quiet, obviously not expecting a response to the jeers and taunts. I glare at them all, thoroughly enraged and disgusted by these people. To judge someone they don't know so quickly based on rumors and past events, where's the forgiveness?

"How many of you can look me in the eyes and tell me you know Zuko personally? Have had a chat with him or cuddled with him during a cold night, or kidnapped food from his plate and gotten away with it because he knows it's in jest and he knows you care? How many?"

No one speaks up, and I use this shock to our advantage, and with a glance to Zuko, we both tail off back towards the temple. The emotion is still running through me, and I harness it, reining it in for later use.


I groan and moan at Zuko, as we walk along a trail, trying to find something to buy from a cart. There are several and Zuko's got his hood pulled forward so no other people can see his face. He's pointing to cart's and silently asking or telling me something about the cart, and then waiting for my opinions or answer.

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