11- attack

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Zuko's pov

I glance to the side, watching the others as they interact, trying to ignore the bad feeling I'm getting, as I walk off and head to bed. I've been having this feeling all day, starting when I woke up, but I have absolutely no idea why and I haven't found anything nearby that would set off my gut instinct. But, I have remained tense and prepared all day, aware that all the running from the Fire Nation has made my gut instinct better than it used to be. I really wish I knew why I feel like this though. Maybe Azula sent an assassin after me? Or maybe Katara will make good on her threat? Or something will force me to do something I don't want to? There are so many things my gut instinct could be tellling me about, but I never know until it's happening, or right before it. 

I crash down on my bed and sigh, ignoring my gut as I pull the blanket to my hips and then throw an arm under my pillow, curving it so my hand is gripping the handle of one of my swords. I sigh and relax as much as I possibly can, ignoring the faint shivering running through me.  

I jerk awake as a hand meets my skin and level the sword to the closest thing I can. The person freezes and then backs up. I yawn and blink before recognizing the figure of Aang.

"Sorry, Sifu. I just wanted you awake, because I had a nightmare and I needed to make sure you were ok."

I can't blame him for waking me, not when this warm feeling is spreading through my body, because he cares enough to check on me after having a nightmare about something happening to me. I yawn and sheath my sword, stretching a little bit and then sitting up, and letting him settle in beside me. I throw the blanket over him, and he snuggles closer. I let him get comfortable, before throwing an arm over his waist and letting my hand slide along the arrow from his spine up to his head. He melts into me and I smile, before nudging his head gently. He whines, but snuggles closer, burying his face in my chest, stealing both my heat and the comfort I offer, letting him listen to my heartbeat.

"I started off in a ring, with faceless people surrounding me. As I tried to look around and spot anyone I knew, another figure stepped out and became your father. I tried to bend, but nothing happened. No air, no water, and no earth. When I got to fire, it worked, but barely did anything. I fought and fought, but he never moved. I finally collapsed and he started laughing, before saying how his 'worthless son had put up more of a fight' and 'this is the student he worked so hard to train?'. I was confused, but then a light came on off to the side and there you were, tied to a pole. You were so... beaten and burned, that I didn't know what they could do to make it worse, but then they set fire to the bottom and top of the pole, and I couldn't move, the shadows and your father forcing me to watch, as you burned and  screamed and then just, blew away. I broke down and then woke up, and I needed to see you, to see you were ok, and not gone, breathing and..."

"Settle down, little one. You are safe, but I am also safe and I won't be going anywhere without your consent for the next day,ok? I will let you hang with me the entire day, even if we just do some light training the entire time, or sit and talk. We will do it and I will prove to you I am alive and well that very second whenever you need. Now, we need to sleep."

I smile and bury my head into the pillow, ignoring the small chuckle vibrating in my chest, before watching the room. I can feel him relaxing and then his breathing slows and he's out. I can't bring myself to go to sleep, and so I watch him, looking for the signs of a nightmare or anything else unpleasant bothering him. I don't sleep for the rest of the night, and I can feel the fatigue and heavy limbs already, hoping today isn't the day where the bad thing happens. I don't know if I'll be able to do anything if it does. I yawn and sit up as the sun rises, feeling it's energy waking me up and fixing my fatigue a little, but I know it won't last long. Sure enough, the energy fades as I stand and pull the blanket over Aang, smiling as he shuffles over and buries himself exactly where I was, before I change into my normal clothes and set my swords on my back.

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