17- secret

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I'm changing his background. A lot. Instead of going out on a ship, Zuko was left on an island, to survive on his own, with nothing but a knife and everything around him. Iron wasn't able to come, seeing as it was secret plans, carried out by the one, the only, Bastardly Ozai! The rest will be explained in the story. :)

Zuko's POV

I keep getting the feeling they're near, but every time I think I'm sure, the feeling disappears. Not surprising, but I really hope they are near, I left them nearly a year and a half ago, but it feeels like ages. I wonder what they'll think of the group I'm currently with. Will they accept them? Will they be angry I have more friends? Will the group be mad I kept a secret? 

I don't really like where these thoughts are going, so I close my eyes and start to meditate, but somewhere along the way, I start reminiscing. 

I open my eyes and blink, ignoring the slight pain from my face, trying to figure out where I am. Soon enough, rocks and ocean come into view. I jerk up and look around only to find, I'm on a small island. Bout the size of the house on Ember Island.  Little smaller. There is a small forest behind me, and that's about it, the rest of the island covered in rocks and surrounded by ocean. I can't  even see any nearby islands. 

I stumble to a stand and then glance around, cause I really don't like this feeling I'm getting. Like I'm being watched. I can't see anyone,  so I relax slightly and then stare sadly out to sea. I know Ozai never wanted me, but to go so far as to try and kill me through my banishment? That was low. I notice the sun is sinking and decide to make a small flame, resting on the ground just barely inside the forest. I close my eyes and think, ' I really don't want to be on this island alone. Can someone please join me?'

And when I woke the next morning, there they were, as if they'd been there since the beginning. They spoke directly to my mind, having adopted me as an older brother type thing. 

"Zuko! It's time for training!"

I jerk up, before blinking and getting up. Had I really be meditating that long? A glance outside says yes, yes I had. I quickly head out and start the training, remembering to be patient and give him pointers, offering praise when he does something good. Soon, it's getting close to dinner time, the sun almost sinking below the sky. As I call off training and send Aang in, I feel the feeling get stronger, meaning they are probably really close. I hope I get to see them. 

My fellow siblings are beside me, teaching and learning to firebend. We manage to have roughly the same power, despite size difference and difference of motivation. However, every time I go to quit, they nudge me, demanding more forms and more practice, silently telling me I'm good enough and worth enough for them to care.

I love my siblings, and I wish I could see them. Maybe they will show up? This feeling, it's almost like... excitement! Ah, the youngest one feels smug, meaning he convinced his older siblings to help find the oldest. They must be close, if I can tell the emotions coming from which one. Meaning, if I'm correct, they are probably camping out below. I wonder though, were the spirits right to leave these gifts in my hands, to raise, especially with my history? But!a gentle nudge from my gut, says they can pick up my feelings as well, now and aren't happy I'm doubting my worth, or how well I raised them. I smile, they always were mother-hens. Especially when they learned of Azula and Ozai, through memory and words. 

Big brother!

Little ones. 

You are close by! I told you, Las. Lu, you owe me a few meals. Cozu, give me a lift, please?

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