Chapter 4: The Guardian

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Welcome back to Lap of the gods, everyone. I hope that you enjoy this chapter; I worked hard on it. Please remember to VOTE and COMMENT, it means a lot to me, plus I love chatting with you guys. Also, please remember to click on the video. It goes with the chapter. ~XOXO BUTTERBALL~



I frowned as my horse ground to a stop, reared back, and let out a loud whiny neigh. I let out a hiss as my grip tightened on the reins, and I pulled back. The horse let out a huff and shook itself as it placed its hooves back on the ground.

I let out a sigh as I slowly climbed off the horse. "Yeah, if I had a choice, I wouldn't go in there either. The Frozen forest has been the death of many stupid men, and the death of many unprepared adventurers." I muttered.

I looked up towards the sky, and there floating above the forest of ice was the ancient demon city Via. It floated brilliantly and beautifully, despite its crumbling exterior, almost as though it was an oasis in a barren wasteland.

I tied my horse to a nearby tree a good distance away from the almost tangible fog rolling in from the nearby ice-covered trees.

I tied my horse to a nearby tree a good distance away from the almost tangible fog rolling in from the nearby ice-covered trees

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With the fog came a strange feeling as a chill rolled over me. It spread across my body as though I was wearing a second skin.

It became difficult to breathe almost immediately; at that moment, I shot into the air. My wings lifted me far above the forest as I cut through the air. The higher I rose, the more that strange feeling began to leave my body.

This must be why the human needed me for this job. However, he could've just asked an Icralous. Then again, I doubt that any of those supposed pacifist bastards would take a job like this.

Turning my gaze downward, I looked upon the Frozen Forest. A strange black mist was leaking from it, shrouding the environment below me in darkness.

Is that ether? Maybe a lake of pure dark magic...I don't think I've ever seen anything like it.

As I turned back towards Via, a mighty roar shook the sky, vibrating the very air around me. Quickly I looked around frantically searching the skies.

I don't smell it or see it, but I heard it! Where is it?

As I took out my sword, I continued to scan the sky. It was only when I turned toward Via that I saw it. A creature the size of a small mountain, covered in thick, brown, shaggy fur. Massive horns curled out of its head, large bat-like flame-colored wings spread out behind it as six large eyes stared at me with fury.

Where did that thing come from? Why didn't I see it? What is it?

As quickly as I could, I folded my wings in and dived down. I expanded my wings at the last moment, slowing my descent until I landed on my feet in the Frozen Forest.

Instantly my body was cloaked in a chill so violent as the fog stole my breath; its dark mist raked the inside of my lungs.

The taste of thick copper coated the back of my tongue, and I could feel warmth gathering in my nose, stealing my sense of smell. I lifted a hand slowly to my nose and wiped away the blood that had begun trailing from it.

As the shadow of the creature flew overhead, I crouched down, my stance staying steady despite the gust of wind that threatened to blow me over.

I turned my gaze to the sky as I searched it for Via. Even though the dark mist was trying its best to cloak the sky, I could still see the trees on the edge of Via's sky island.

Murky white trees made of ice surrounded me. Their shriveled gray leaves tumbled to the ground as I brushed past. My teeth chattered while as I continued to walk slowly.

I need to make it directly below Via; from there, I can fly straight upwards as quickly as possible. But I must move before the mist starts to wreak even more havoc on my body. That creature doesn't seem to see me. Just who is the Kindred girl?

I began to walk faster, trying my best to stick to the places with little to none of that black mist.

"Sorey! Sorey!" A small child-like voice called.

I closed my eyes tightly as I forced myself to ignore that familiar voice trying to reach me. I took a deep breath, raised my sword, and jammed it into my shoulder. My teeth clenched as a sharp sting whipped through my new wound. The pain snatched me back to my senses, driving away my madness before it could even begin.

I must move quicker, that beast shouldn't be able to see me so I'll run.

As I ran through the Frozen Forest multiple times, I had to catch myself on a nearby tree to prevent myself from slipping on the ice-covered ground.

"Almost at the center," I whispered.

An enormous dark mass fell from the sky, landing a few feet in front of me. The ground vibrated, nearly throwing me into the air as cracks spread on it from beneath the beast's feet.

I dashed behind the nearest tree, crouching down in the long grass. The black mist snaked around my wrist and ankles, crawling into my mouth as I took soft breaths. I choked back a gasp when the mist entered my mouth, grimacing as the taste of rot and decay coated my tongue.

I stayed still as the beast sniffed a large gust of hot air rushing over me. Nearby, I heard the vicious crack of splintering ice; icicles landed at my feet.

How do I go about this? I could attempt to distract it then shoot straight upward to get to Via. It's risky and full of holes, but if I'm quick enough, I could outsmart the beast.

I reached out and gathered a few of the icicles in my hand; very slowly, I stood up, keeping my back up against the tree. Turning slightly to my left, I raised my arm and threw the icicles as though I was throwing one of my daggers.

The beast stopped for a moment, becoming silent, then it slowly began walking toward the distraction I'd created. Immediately I opened my wings and shot up into the air. I was halfway to my goal when suddenly I saw a large paw rise in my peripheral vision like a mountain suddenly appearing out of nowhere.

Pain shot through my entire body as the beast's paw swatted me out of the air. I couldn't feel anything besides a sudden heat and a terrifying pain. The heat was intense. It was as though my body was burning from the inside out; it spread out, ripping across my body, sending shocks through my tired limbs. My limbs began to tingle, sting even, and yet the pain stayed. It settled deep within my body, weighing down my limbs with invisible shackles.

I forced my eyes open slowly; my vision, however, was tainted red and fuzzy around the edges. I gave a small garbled gasp, but I couldn't drag in a single breath as blood gurgled in my chest. Something large and wet suddenly nudged my broken limp body over.

As the beast stared into my face, I could only meet its gaze. It growled at me before leaning down; when it drew back slightly, it took me a moment to realize that it held one of my wings in its mouth. Suddenly the beast yanked back, and a faint tearing sound entered my ears. However, I couldn't feel anything; my body was numb.

I stared at the beast as it held my ripped off wing in its mouth, then it began to chew it.

As my vision began to fade further and further, the last thought I had before I disappeared into the deep abyss was, I should've known the moment I saw the Frozen Forest that this was a fool's errand.

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