Chapter 13: Medoh, the town of peach blossoms

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Welcome back to Lap of the gods, everyone. I'm glad everyone enjoyed the chapter. Please remember to COMMENT and VOTE; it means a lot to me. Plus, I like talking to you guys and hearing your opinions. Also, remember to watch the video; it goes with the chapter. ~XOXO BUTTERBALL~

The song is Deathly Loneliness attacks (English version) by SirHamnet.



A small smile spread across my face as I did a small jump in a puddle watching with wide eyes as the murky rippled. I'd discarded the leaf Sorey had given me earlier, allowing the light, refreshing chill of the rain gently thrummed against my skin. My clothes felt slightly heavy, weighed down due to being soaking wet.

Tilting my head back slightly, I let out a soft sigh of content. I had wanted to take off my shoes and feel the dirt on my feet. But the feeling of the gritty sticky mud on my hands had felt disgusting and deterred me from giving my feet the same experience.

When was the last time I was able to enjoy the rain on my skin? Even back on Via, it barely rained.

Sorey glanced at me with a scowl on his face. "I know that idiots can't catch colds but, if you do happen to get sick, I'm not going to take care of you."

I let out a snort as I splashed in another puddle. "I'm a god, so I can't get sick. It's similar to why I don't need to eat or drink while I'm in control of Lila."

He rolled his eyes before turning away from me. "If I cooked like you, I wouldn't eat either." He mumbled.

"Hey! I'm making an effort to learn. When we get to Medoh, I'll buy a cookbook," I huffed as I walked beside him, a small smile on my face.

He glanced at me with a slight smirk on his face. "So, your food will look better but still taste like dirt."

I crossed my arms and sighed. "I just can't win with you, can I?"

"Well, your first attempt at cooking tasted like dirt and poison. So forgive me if I don't expect anything better," he pointed out.

I shrugged as I followed him. "You're not the first person to say I can't cook or rather that I shouldn't."

"It is nice to know that common sense still exists on Adonis, even if it is in short supply," he said, mild amusement coating his voice.

His fingers absentmindedly thrummed on the hilt of his sword. His claws creating a soft clicking noise against the metal. "Is Lila doing okay?" He asked suddenly.

I frowned as I shook my head. "She fell asleep crying. Poor girl," I whispered. "It's understandable though, we lost our best friend and then had someone treat us like an object."

Sorey was silent at my words. Then he turned to me and spoke, "I've been meaning to ask you something. What exactly was that power you used in Kikewi village?"

My eyes went wide for a second before I turned my gaze to the ground. "It was the same power I used on Richter during the war; typically, I never use that power. At that time, I didn't activate it; Lila did; her fear, panic, and anger triggered it, which caused us to absorb and give off more ether than necessary. Which, as you saw, can have devastating results on people and things."

"True, you did turn a man into a human bubble," he said, nodding. "Did it have anything to do with that black box you spoke about in Kikewi?"

I froze, my eyes growing wide as I completely stopped; a chill crawled up my back as I shuddered. It was as though I could suddenly feel the ice-cold rain running across my skin. "You...what do you know about the black box? I've never spoken a word about it to anyone," I whispered.

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