Chapter Seven

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~Bonnie's POV~

Cam and I are still watching the door. I'm starting to get a little impatient.

Why couldn't he just tell me what was going on?

Just then I hear the door open, the bell goes off. In walk some guy. He has dark hair and dark brown eyes. He's wearing a black hoodie and black pants. I squint a little seeing Toby trail behind him with his phone, recording the man.

Then it hits me. Cam looks over at me and smiles as the man, who I assume is Jay, and Toby, recording on his phone.
I stand up and Jay stops walking, he smiles.

My mouth hangs open,and I quick throw my hands up to cover my mouth.
There is no way a man could be so funny, so caring, so kind hearted and so beautiful at the same time.

"Well are you gonna hug or something?" Cam asks, impatiently.

Tears formed in my eyes Jay looks over at Cam and that's when I jump and hug Jay.

I knock Jay back a little but he catches himself and wraps his arms around me.

I just bury my head in his chest and don't say anything, he doesn't say anything either.

"What are you two gonna kiss or something?" Cam snickers.

"Well...umm?" Jay says ,clearly awkward

I grab Jay's face ,dragging him down to my level catching him off guard and kiss his cheek causing him to blush.

We let go of each other and look over at Cam, who is chuckling."Jay you alright there? You look a little red" he just smiles rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

I look over at Toby, he is looking at his phone. He looks kind of upset and that makes me upset.

Toby is my friend and I don't like to see my friends upset.I feel an arm wrap around my waist and it makes me jump a little. I look over at Jay, who is smiling down at me.

I smile back.
"Nice to finally meet you, m'lady," Jay smirks, grabbing my hand and kissing the back of it.

I blush a little as he places his lips on the back of my hand, then continues to hold my hand in his warm,soft hands.We all finally sit down.

Jay sits next to me. We order our food and continue to talk a little more.

"Were you surprised?" Cam asks me.

I nod and smile. "I was starting to think Jay was fake."

Jay looks over at me confused. "What do you mean by that? I'm as real as they get."

I chuckle. "I mean like, you're sort of... perfect. Too perfect."

Jay blushes and looks away and laughs a little.
He looks back at me. "Well if I'm perfect, then you must be a goddess."

My face feels hot as I feel his hand touch mine. I look down at our hands and back at Jay, who is smirking at me.

"Get a room." Cam jokingly grunts.

We stop and both begin to blush, we both totally forgot Toby and Cam were sitting across from us.

That day was perfect. We had a nice meal and I finally got to meet the mystery man that I had feelings for.

Maybe I was crazy, or maybe I was perfectly sane but... did Jay feel something for me?

He couldn't, why me? Why me out of every girl?We go back to the guy's hotel room.
I decide to hang there for a bit. I check my phone and realize how late it is getting.

"Shit, I better go get my stuff,"

I grunt, standing up from the bed I was sitting on and starting to walk towards the door.

"Wait! Should I come with you?" Toby asks, quickly standing up.

"I'm fine by myself," I chuckle, "I know my way around town."

"But it's dark... You shouldn't go out alone," Toby mumbles but loud enough so I can hear him.

I shrug. "I'm sure I'll be fine."

"I'll come," Jay says, standing up and walking to the door.

He opens the door and lets me walk out first. I give him a playful bow as I walk out the door and he follows me.

~Toby's POV~

I sit down and grunt.

"What's wrong Toby?" Cam asks me, looking up from his phone.

"Nothing," I mutter, grabbing my phone and laying on my bed.

"Obviously something is the matter," Cam grunts back. "Tell me."

"Cam, seriously, I'm fine," I mumble, getting on my phone.

Cam sighs and lays on his bed. Not saying a word. I kind of feel like an asshole but I was really upset over this Jay and Bonnie . Why? Why out of all the girls in the world, Jay has to pick the one I actually liked?
The one who actually made me happy, the one who always cares for me.

I was kind of pissed at Jay for this but I didn't really have a reason to be pissed. Bonnie wasn't my girl in the first place.I grunt and set my phone down, deciding to go to sleep to forget all of this.

~Bonnie's POV ~

I sat watching the Tv as I felt Jay fall back onto the couch beside me

"You alright?" He asked ,holding my hand in his

"Yeah"I took a deep breath" I'm still in the aftermath of emotions after finally meeting  you"

"Same to be honest with you," he softly chuckles "it's feels like only yesterday when Cam introduced us to one another "

"I know.We hit it of straight away, we had the same sense of humour and share the same interest."I admit.

He nods,as we stare into each other's  eyes as we get lost in the moment"Have you ever been in love with someone you know is out of your league ?"

"Yeah," I nod as I look down at our hands intertwined, breaking the eye contact.

Jay pulled my face back up to face him"I love you Bonnie " he cups my face as he places his forehead against mine

" I... I love you too Jay" I confess as tears slowly made their way down my cheeks

He wiped my tears away with his thumb as he kissed me softly.i wrapped my arms around his neck as I slowly fall on my back he continues to deepen the kiss as he lays almost on top of me, I play with his soft hair  as he continues to kiss me

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