Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Bonnie's PoV

I laid still in the warm covers of our bed,as Jay laid sound asleep beside you me only slightly moving around in his sleep.

"Morning,beautiful"Jay mumbled,his voice sounding more deeper than remembered.

"Hey." I muttered

I felt the bed move a little as I felt Jay move closer towards me"what's wrong?"

I sensed his eyes where full of concern and worry at the same time"i don't my stomach feels a little off"

"Have you thrown up before I woke up?" His hand grazed over my leg

"Nah,But I probably should-" I cut myself of as I get of the bed with my hand covering my mouth and run to the bathroom pushing the door open before squatting down in front of the toilet.

I hear Jay follow me in as he grabs my hair pulling it out of my face just so I don't get it covered up in my sick.

-Time Skip-

I laid back on the bed,not knowing what to do with myself

Am I pregnant?

I laid on the bed and pondered in my thoughts on possibilities of becoming pregnant not once did the thought of actually being pregnant come to mind

I wanted to surprise Jay if I was pregnant but how would I go about it.

Skyscraper 🏙

Me : Cam  can u do me a small favour?

Skyscraper 🏙 : Sure anything

Me :  I need you to go there nearest drugstore and pick me up a pregnancy test, don't ask why just get it and bring it to me if Jay  asks just say you brought a get well soon present for me or something

Skyscraper 🏙 : Got it x

I continue to lay there in hopes Cam quick about it and hoping Jay would be oblivious.

Luckily within an hour he was here. As he knocked on the door  of the bedroom that me and Jay shared. I  got off the bed slowly dragging my body towards the door

As I opened the door I'm greeted by the skyscraper who was leaning against the door holding up a plastic bag

"You got it?" I asked looking up at the giant

"Yes,and don't make it sound like we're dealing drugs because that's definitely not what we're doing " he states as he hands me the bag"Could you please tell me what the fucks going on?"

I grabbed his  pale wrist and dragged him inside,making him whack the top of his head of the doorframe

As I close the door behind him I took a deep breath before explaining to him the situation
"I threw up multiple times this morning and I know it's a symptom of morning sickness and Jay is oblivious to what is going on. I have the slight feeling  that I am."

"Well if it comes out positive can I be the godfather?" He asked in a hushed tone as he sat at the end of the fresh sheets on the bed

"If I am pregnant then maybe. But we won't know if I don't take the test so if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go into the bathroom and pee on a stick" I said as I walk off into the bathroom locking the door behind me

-3 years later it feels like-

"Cam?" I said through the bathroom door,as I unlock the door

"Yeah?" He said clearly standing right outside the door

I opened the door and looked at him with tears in my eyes.

"What is it?" Cam asked, feeling unsure to what my response would be

I wipe the tears from my eyes as I held up the test

"It's negative "

"Oh." He said, as he pulls me into a  quick hug, before pulling away"we need to bin it  before Jay sees it"

"Yeah your right" I said as I walk over to the nearest bin in the bathroom and yeet it into the bin then covering it with tissues

"Good ideal." Cam snickers

"Let's just get out of the room before Jay starts to think I'm cheating on him with one of his best friends"

He nods as we exit the bedroom and join Jay on the couch

"Hey babe" he greets as I snuggle into his shoulder as if nothing had ever happened

"Hey beautiful angel"I respond,Cam sits down in the corner of the couch trying not to look so awkward.

"The boys are flying over to spend time with you guys before we catch our flight to Germany " Cam says as he walks over to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water

"When do they arrive?"Jay asks looking over at Cam for a brief moment before looking back at the tv screen while rubbing my thigh

"Any minute now" Cam says,as he's most likely looking at his fake Rolex

"I need to clean!" I jumped up,making Jay jumped in the process

~ Time Skip~

I practically ran around the apartment moving current boxes into the furthest corner of the room ,slowly creating a accidental fort

"They're here!" Cam announces as he walks over to the door to be greeted by the other misfits

"Hello Cunts!" Mason greets forcingI me into a hug before greeting Jay with a bro hug

"It's crazy to how you guys are already married and about to move into a house to start the next chapter of your lives together"Toby mentions as he leaves his bag by the kitchen stools before heading to the couch.

"I know it's crazy how far we come together."I comment.

"I'm still so happy for you guys"Swagger comments

"We're all happy for you guys" Matt says nudging Swagger slightly

We all just sat on the couch and told little scuffed stories from the past adventures we had all been on.

Time does fly when you having fun and creating memories with your friends and family.

There was only last story that I wanted to tell and I wanted to say now before it would be too late

"It's funny how 8 years ago I met the most scuffed group on the world and only recorded one video before becoming a most favourite character by all the fans. There's one person who I want to thank for bringing that funny side of me out of my shell and that's Jay" I stated

"Well do guys wanna go grab some food before we head to the airport ?" Toby asks as we all begin to file out the door

"Sure, where?" I snicker as I recite the famous last line from Chandler

The next few parts where they would of gotten married and shit I deleted it because there was still more things that I didn't write about and I wanted to so yea
If you saw the votes,comments and the reads alter that's why

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