Chapter Twenty-Five

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Bonnie's POV

A smile appeared on Jay's face, a smile that had a whole new meaning to it now.
Everyone was super supportive of me and Jay living together they all offered to help me move my stuff to New Zealand.
This was one big step in our relationship
I went into my thoughts as I thought about my future with Jay,growing old with him,having kids with him, watching the grandchildren run around the porch chasing each other with worms and bugs, laying beside him as we die together.

"Babe you ready to board?" Jay snaps his fingers in my face ,causing me to jump out of my thoughts.

My eyes snap back to meet his warm, brown eyes "hmm?"

"The flight, our flight is boarding"Jay said as he quickly intertwined his hand in my as he drags me onto the plane

-time skip-

After arriving at Jay's apartment we just chilled and watched Netflix.

"I'm glad I finally get to see you a lot more" Jay said rubbing my thigh causing shivers of pleasure to run down my spine

"Me too." I said as I ruffle his hair"You have no idea I've waited for this to happen"

" I bet a long time" He chuckles as he pulls me into a warm embrace,causing me to fall onto his chest as he falls back too

"Can we watch a film or something ?" I asked as I adjusted myself on his chest

"What do you want to watch!" He asks looking down at me

I pulled a funny face before saying"SpongeBob duh?" I giggled

"Let's have a SpongeBob marathon then" he chuckles as he leans forward and grabs the tv remote for the dark, grey,marble, coffee table

We continued to watch over fifty episodes until it reached midnight.
My eyes felt heavy as a brick, I couldn't keep them open,I mistakenly allowed a  little yawn to escape my mouth

"You tired love?" Jay asks as he kisses the top of my head.

"A little bit " I yawned again as I attempt to reach for the remote to turn it off but Jay beats me to it

"Let's get you to bed" he softly says as he  turn the tv off and picks me up.

As he carries me into his  bedroom I nuzzle my head  into the crook of his neck as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

Jay's POV

She nuzzles her head into the crook of my neck as I carried her into my room, I smile at the cuteness she holds, I hear her breathing steady as she falls asleep.

Before I get into the bed myself, I take both of our shoes off that we still had on and only then did I crawl into bed with the  sleeping beauty  beside me just as I was about to fall asleep Bonnie turns in her sleep as she moves closer to me,resting her head  on my upper part of my chest
I pull the duvet over the both of us as we both start to fall  asleep. 

Bonnie's POV

The nightmares haunted me since Jay moved in.

What was happening to me?

I grew distant from Jay,I still loved him. But something was pulling me away


James : Don't think he'll make you happy

James : Don't you remember what we had?

James : We has something special, I didn't mean to go the extreme measures of raping you. Too much alcohol makes me insane you know that

Bonnie : That was in the past you  psycho bitch, I know we had something special but I'd had enough when you raped me 5 times almost six before I ran with a suitcase full of my clothes as I started to begin a new life.

James : I'm sorry,baby come back we can start over.

I didn't reply, my mind wandered should I go back to him?

I know I shouldn't go back  but I feel like I could change him back to the man who I'd loved so long ago

Jay had fallen asleep in the bed after editing his ass off on a Fortnite video.

I packed my suitcase half an hour ago I packed away near enough all my clothes except the red dress and shoes Jay had got me.


Me : Meet me outside my apartment in ten, don't make me regret this.

I  left a note on my counter top and left the house keys with the documents to the apartment signing the whole place to Jay

I'm gonna hurt Jay's feeling I can already feel it coming.

Soon enough the black jaguar rolled up the parking lot  the car I knew far too well. I took a deep breath before exiting the apartment complex and  headed to the car where James stood in front

"I'm glad to see you." James said, leaning in for a kiss but I retreated back a step not wanting to cheat on Jay

"Yeah,Yeah let's go before I change my mind" I retorted as he opens the door for me  and takes my suitcase and puts it in the boot of the car

As James pulled out of the parking lot I looked back at the apartment that once was my home  and instantly knew I was gonna regret ever leaving Jay

Jay's PoV

I woke up from my nap with Bonnie nowhere to be seen, the apartment was silent,her clothes where gone apart from the outfit I had got her the day we went to the club in Melbourne.
I anxiously walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen where  I dreaded to see a note,her keys and a bunch of documents.

I took a deep breath before walking over to the note

"Dear Jay, I'm sorry but Ive gone with James hoping I can change him, this is goodbye I will always love you, I'm sorry" I read as a tear fell from my eyes

I scrunch up the letter and looked over at the documents she signed the apartment over to me

"Bonnie why would you do this." I cried to myself

Bonnie had left me in hopes to fix her psychopathic ex boyfriend

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