Chapter Sixteen

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~Bonnie's POV~

As everyone was watching Netflix me and Jay decided to make dinner for everyone

"What should we make them?" Jay asked in a hushed tone as he hugs me from behind

"I was thinking spaghetti Bologna's" I whispered "let's just hope we have all the ingredients for it"

Jay looks in all the cupboards I'm unable to look into "we don't have a mince"

"Matt? " I called

"Yes?" He responded still looking at the tv

"Can you do me a favour please?" I asked politely

"Sure what cha need?"

"Can u pop over to the shops and gets some mince?"


"Jay do we have any vegetables in the fridge?"I asked Jay as I began to get the right equipment out

"We don't have any" Jay says closing the fridge

"Matt could you also get some carrots and red onions please "I asked ,just as he was about to leave the hotel room"take Eric with you to help"

"Thank god" Eric said in a The tone of relief "Mason kept poking me and I was so close to swinging at him"

Eric ran over to Matt like he was running away from the police

"Look at swagger run,"I snicker under my breath

"Hey I may be a midget for a 24 year old but I can kick ass!" He raised his voice underneath his helmet

"Swagger I could easily take you down ,did u not see me beating up James earlier?" I snickers

"She's got a point Swagger"Mason mentions

As Matt and Swagger leave the hotel everyone continues to watch the tv except me and Jay.

"Your so beautiful"he whispers softly in my ear "how did I get so lucky?"

I smile as I turn to face "Because you treat me the way James never did"

He kisses me passionately on the lips as I deepen the kiss his hands start making there way up my back and began making circles causing little shivers to make their way down my spine as I run my nails through his soft ,dark brown hair.

"He shouldn't of done that to you,it triggers me the someone could do that to such a beautiful soul and not feel any remorse for their actions" he states,as he looks deep into my soul

"Look at you using big boy words" I giggle slightly"it's cute"

He smiles not knowing what to say

"And that ladies and gentlemen is how to make someone speechless" I announced applauding myself

"Ya what cunt?" Mason says still looking at the Tv

I giggle slightly "Nothing Mason"

My phone lights up on the counter and I can only  imagine who it is

"Oh For fuck sake" I cussed "Can't he just take a hint"

"Does James still have the nerves to message you after you kicked his  ass at the meet and greet?"Toby asks turning around to look at me

"Apparently not"Jay mumbled,pulling me even closer to him"what did he say?"

I grabbed my phone and pulled up the text"Bonnie,Bonnie,Bonnie.You've won this time but next time you won't be as fortunate "

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