Ch. 30

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A few days since Aiyra had become carranam with Ilias, she was going down to the school to meet with the head. Mrs. Goyter was a brisk human woman with greying hair and brown eyes and no regard for formalities. 

"Ilias tells me you agreed to help Antony."

"I did," Aiyra agreed, leaning back in her chair

"I assume he also explained that you would need to teach a subject as well?" Upon Aiyra's nod, she continued "I plan to have you teaching physical combat."

Aiyra kept her expression neutral, though her palms started getting clammy. She couldn't be responsible for anyone like that. Not again. If they got hurt, she would never be able to forgive herself.  Her magic started simmering, drawing to the surface of her skin, itching to be let out and she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. A calming earthy magic swept through her, soothing the fire back down, stifling it, putting it to sleep. Aiyra fought a smile and sent her mental thanks to Ilias. Mrs. Goyter peered at her, a light crease between her eyebrows.

"Is there something else you would prefer? Arithmatics and the study of the Old Language are also open."

"Either of those would be fine," Aiyra said coolly, and Mrs. Goyter nodded. 

"I take it you're sufficiently well-versed in both the subjects?"

"Of course, I grew up training to be a general. I'm good with both these things."

"Ah, right. Do forgive me for forgetting. You can take Arithmatics for the older children. The younger ones already have a teacher, and I suspect you wouldn't be entirely comfortable with the younger ones."

"Your suspicion would be correct," she smiled and the head's lips quirked upwards.

"They usually are. You'll be taking Arithmatics for the Ninth to Twelfth Years, and of course, working with Antony. Now you can start when the next school week does, in two days."


"Here, I'll give you your class lists, schedule and the list of topics that the students must have completed by the end of the year. I'd recommend making a plan."

"Thank you, Mrs. Goyter."

"You're welcome. And Aiyra?" Mrs. Goyter stared at her, an unreadable expression on her face "this is good for you."

Aiyra gave her a stiff smile, picking up the books and papers.

"Thank you. I'll leave now, unless there's something else."

"No, you can go. Remember, school starts at nine sharp."

Aiyra nodded, making her way out of the office. That went well. Arithmatics was not something that would get anyone killed if they didn't learn it properly. All that was left to do was go home, lock herself in a library and figure out how to go about this. She went home, snuck down into the kitchens to steal some pie, then locked herself into a small library on the third floor to crack open the books.

She had been in the library for about two hours when someone knocked on the door. Elio. She waved a hand, using her wind to open the lock and he walked in, raising an eyebrow.

"Never took you for the scholarly type,"

Aiyra glared at him and he cleared his throat, taking the seat opposite her.

"The talk went well?"


"What subjects?" he grabbed one of the books "Arithmatics? Good lord, Aiyra. You chose that voluntarily?"

"I'm good at it and most people just don't like it because they don't have a good teacher."

"Do you remember-"

"Our tutor?" she snorted "vaguely. I remember he was writing love letters to his wife the entire time."

"Not his wife,a woman he made eye contact with once in a restaurant."

Aiyra grinned, snapping her planner for Ninth Year shut.

"Did anything ever happen with that?"

"I think they got married. Apparently she likes men who accidentally mail love letters to her mother instead of her." he laughed loudly as she cringed

"Is there a reason you're here?" Aiyra sighed,  raising her eyebrows as she leaned back in her chair.

"I came for your apple pie. You took the last one." Elio said, pulling the half eaten pie closer to him.

"No." Aiyra pulled it back

"Yes." Elio glared back at her

"Fine but get your own fork. And don't eat more than this."

"You and Ilona are the same people in different bodies."

"I know. That's why she's my favourite."

"Barely been here a few months and you're already forming favourites."

"I had my favourites from the day I came to ask about the Valg. Now if you want to stay here, you need to be quiet, understand?"

Elio responded by taking a bite of pie.

Well Wattpad decided to stop working in my country so that was fun. This is a short, crappy filler and the next chapter will be less crap. 

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