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Aella had captured the family from Rosk a mere ten minutes after meeting that child. They were humans; a man, a woman and a girl. They hadn't dared breathe wrong when she found them.

She had flown right in through their open door and shifted, smiling at them, all teeth and wickedness.

"You are going to follow me," she had crooned "or I will slaughter you where you stand."

Regardless, the man had brandished a sword at her. She had moved with such speed she knew she wasn't visible to their eyes and simply plucked the sword from his hand before baring her teeth at his obvious shock.

"Leave them, please. I'll-I'll do any-"

"I don't particularly care what you'll do. I need all of you." she had said "and you are beginning to test my patience."

"I'll get us out." he said, snarling at her.

Aella only cocked her head. A ring of hissing cobalt flame encircled the girl's neck.

"I'd like to see you try."

He was trying now, glancing left and right. Looking for an escape route. The thought was enough to make her want to laugh.

The girl, maybe seven, had clung to her mother immediately, walking by her. Aella didn't  understand why. In the end, it was just going to get her killed. Aella's thoughts strayed to the young boy she had seen day before. There was something about him she didn't quite understand. Power called to power amongst the Fae and even though he was human-or seemed to be at least- there was some power in him that called to the ancient, primal thing in her veins.

The man ran. Coward. Kamien's blade was drawn instantly, hand cocking to throw the dagger. The girl screamed. Aella stopped Kamien by raising a hand.

"Let him think he's got out." she said, smirking. It had been some time since they had been allowed to hunt a mouse on their own turf. Aella knew he wouldn't be able to get out, so she just continued on to the throne room as if nothing happened. Deanna wasn't lounging on her throne, sitting properly for once. And smirking like a cat. She didn't bother mincing words.

"Kill them." she waved a hand

Aella raised an eyebrow,a silent question.

"Yes, yes kill them however you'd like." Deanna said, already bored

Aella turned to the girl and the woman, drew Arondite from across her back and raised an eyebrow

"Run." she whispered into the space between them.

She wanted to laugh when she saw their faces, terrified and teary before they did what she asked. Kamien watched them like a wolf, her citrine eyes practically glowing, the tendons in her neck strained with the restraint it took not to run after them. Jaena's eyes were wide, as though she were already imagining slitting their throats, her body tilted forwards-ready to run when Aella gave the command. Waylay couldn't help but grin too.

The last time they had done this was two years ago and by the gods, Aella loved it. She was about to run, to give them the silent signal to start the hunt when Deanna said

"Not you, General."

Kamien's eyes flicked to her in silent question, but Aella jerked her chin towards the doors

"One minute. I want them dead." she smirked and in a flash, all three took off, Kamien's dark laugh echoing off the smooth marble floors.

"You better have a good reason for this" she said coolly, pushing that bloodlust down, containing it as she sheathed Arondite along her back.

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