Ch. 31

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First day of school.

How did school even work?

Aiyra was having second thoughts as she got out of bed in the morning and was ready to throw up-from her nerves or her pregnancy, she couldn't tell, but she vaulted towards the pot Nova had specifically placed by her chest of drawers for that purpose. It was simple, she decided. She'd tell Ilias to tell Mrs. Goyter that she couldn't do it. She started to get back into bed, then dropped the covers back down, Salkhi shifting in irritation at the movement before falling back asleep. If she spent one more day in this castle she'd die of boredom. And Antony needed help.

She sighed through her nose before digging through her wardrobe. What on earth did teachers wear? The only things in her wardrobe were obnoxiously formal dresses and leathers. Well shit. She didn't think Mrs. Goyter would take too kindly to her showing up in a dress worthy of a ball, so she just tugged on a pair of white leathers, shoved a few daggers into hidden sheaths, looking into the mirror. The white contrasted sharply against her tan skin and the scar running from the back of her neck to the collarbone. She didn't remember how she got it, but suddenly she wasn't sure if she wanted it to show.

Nova knocked on the door. coming in when Aiyra called out her assent.

"Prince Cerin's mate wants you to know that if you don't come down for breakfast now, you'll be late."

"His name is Ilias."

"I know." Nova said simply, "but his title is Prince-Consort and I frankly don't have the time to say it. Now I'd suggest you go down."

"Do you think-"

"Yes, white suits you. Now go. Mrs. Goyter doesn't appreciate people being late."

Aiyra rolled her eyes, petted Salkhi, gave Aecis a scratch behind the ears and slipped out the door, joining Ilias in the dining room.

"You're going to school, not war." he said as a greeting, throwing her a green apple.

"I know. I only have five daggers. If I was going to war I'd have fifteen. Plus two swords." she said factually, taking a large bite of the apple.

"How do you even fit all that on you?"

"Well designed leathers can hold as many daggers as you want." She waved a hand towards the door. "should we leave?"

Ilias nodded and they set off together, breathing in the crisp morning air.

"What classes are you teaching?"

"Ninth through Twelfth."

"Good luck," Ilias said with a grin as they approached the gates

"What? Why?"

"They all collectively decide whether they like a teacher or not. If they don't, good luck to you, Aiyra."

"Well, I don't give a shit about impressing fifteen year olds, unfortunately. They'll have to deal with me."

"The last professor, was a poor old soul who handed his resignation in while bawling."

"I'll be certain not to do that," Aiyra said dryly.

"First class?"


"Well good luck, I'm going to my sweet nine year old angels." he said with a grin as they parted at the gates

Aiyra saluted him with two fingers, climbing up the steps on the Western end of the school to get to the single class up there, where she would spend her time as a teacher. They were required to be at least fifteen minutes earlier than the students, so Aiyra took the time to survey her class. Off white walls, a small fireplace for the colder months, and about twenty tables arranged in neat rows. There was a big window facing the Staghorns, adding dimension to an otherwise small, square classroom.

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