Ch. 11

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Aella Astern shifted back into Fae form as she landed in Terrasen. She hadn't returned to the palace, hadn't even talked to her mate since the Valg demon. Instead, she had flown to Terrasen. To talk to the only person who could give her answers. 

The guards crossed their spears in front of her, denying entry.

"I need to see Queen Aelin." she said shortly, crossing her arms. It was strange, to be back home in Aella's skin. It was as if she were letting a monster feast upon her world, but she only rolled her eyes impatiently as they exchanged glances. 

A ghost leopard prowled out of the palace on silent feet. Aella's throat suddenly felt  very dry. It only blinked at her, a claw tapping against the marble in a reminder of the fact that she was Lysandra Ashryver, wife of Aedion Ashryver-the general of Terrasen- and the most powerful shifter to ever walk on this world.

Aella smirked at her even though she wanted to turn and run. There was a flash and a stunning black haired, green eyed beauty frowned at her, uncaring of her complete nudity.

"Why are you here, General Astern?" her voice was flat, eyes cold-bordering on hatred. Aella blinked. Silence was a weapon. If the lady had been smart she would've let Aella explain.

"I need to see the Queen. Gods it's hard to get a point across in this castle," Aella gestured to the six guards she had met before this and given the exact same explanation to. Her heart thundered as Lysandra granted her a mocking incline of the head. 

Taking the unspoken invitation, Aella followed her inside, watching in fascination as she shifted back into a leopard and lead her through the halls. Everything was just as Aella remembered it, tastefully decorated but not too extravagant. She smelt a northern wind and Aella almost cried. She had smelt like it too once, like the untamed savagery of the north. Until she had accepted the blood-oath and Terrasen had left her, repulsed by it's own heir. 

It was a short trek to the throne room and Aella monitored every hallway, checking for exits and open windows and little breaks in their wards. The doors swung open ominously and she stepped inside, smiling like a wolf at the Court of Terrasen.

Aelin and Rowan Galathynius sat on their thrones, the Queen with an easy smirk, body coiled tight as a spring yet seeming utterly relaxed- even though she seemed mere weeks from having another child. The King was silent and stone faced, the ice to his mate's fire, his hand already resting on a wicked looking hatchet at his side. But that was not what made Aella's heart sink, it was the three children sitting on smaller thrones to each side. There was an empty throne to her father's left- hers. The one next to it was occupied by a boy, barely nineteen was her height with silver hair and Ashryver eyes- he could have been Aiyra's twin, Cerin Galathynius. The throne next to her mother was the other boy's who was close to a perfect copy of her father, Elio Galathynius.  A much smaller girl with silver hair and solemn blue eyes stared at her curiously, Ilona Galathynius. 

It was the empty throne, however, that almost sent her crashing to her knees as she bowed-low. 

The Wolf of the North, Aedion Ashryver only stared at her, gaze never leaving her. She knew he had already assessed where to strike should things go awry, just like the ghost leopard who prowled in the shadows. A massive white wolf skulked somewhere behind her as her mother smiled at her. Gavriel Ashryver was sitting next to Ilona in the form of a mountain lion, ears laid back and hackles raised.

Aelin Galathynius smiled at her. It was a terrifying thing, the Queen of Wildfire's smile, all sharp edges and ruthlessness. 

Now Aella understood why Lysandra had not bothered with mind games. She did not need to. Not with this court at her side. 

"Welcome to Terrasen, General." she said and Aella forced her tears back. She had hoped her mother would say that to her one day in a completely different context, without the venom in her eyes.

"Did you kill all the Valg during the war?" she asked, not bothered with beating around the bush

The Queen straightened.

"Why do you ask? I'm not in the mood for a history lesson"

Aella poked a hole in her shield, allowing her scent to wash toward the Queen, allowing her to scent the Valg blood on it before she closed it again. Aelin's nostrils flared slightly, the movement echoed by all the Fae and animals present before the blood drained from her face. Despite this, her voice did not waver, her eyes were hard as ever and her hands were not shaking the way Aella's were. 

"Where did you find it?"

Aella only shrugged, even though it killed her. Information for information. The Queen rolled her eyes, impatience lining her every move. 

"When Lady Westfall killed the demon king, Erawan, all the Valg disintegrated. The ones living in hosts were extracted and killed by the healers"

"None escaped?"

"No." the Queen leaned back into her throne, cocking an eyebrow at Aella.

"What information I tell you does not leave this room. It does not go to your allies. Not to anyone." she looked each member of the court in the eye, waiting for verbal confirmation.

"Alright." Aelin agreed, waving a hand lazily in the air.

"I found one of them in Antica."

The King glanced quickly at his wife, but there were no words in it, no emotion and the Queen certainly didn't acknowledge it. 

"Only one?" Aedion Ashryver asked, his eyes gleaming with that thrill Aella also felt whenever a battle was coming.

Aella, Sebastian's voice came through their bond I poked around a bit, the Valg are only present in the Khaganate Empire. Nowhere else.

Aella's mind raced. Aelin couldn't stop them, it was only her. Now that she knew they were only in the continent, she could both kill the Valg and destroy the empire and no one would be the wiser. So she smiled at him, inclining her head in farewell

"Only one, I've searched the entire city." 

They didn't say anything else and she turned to the window and took a running start, leaping out and shifting mid-jump. No one followed her.

She tried not to let it sting as much as it did.

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