Ch. 9

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Nesryn could not contain her gasp. Aiyra was alive. And she was here.
"Where is she?" She breathed
Did Aelin know? Did Rowan?

But the General from the Western continent only grinned, the male Nesryn suspected was her mate smiled as though he were hiding something only they knew. Imperious, cold and completely sure of themselves.

Sartaq's face was colder than she had ever seen.

"I would advise you tell us where she is." A brush of the hand against his sulde, the movement followed by her Third who bared his teeth in a silent warning that had Nesryn reaching for her own weapons.

But the General only leaned back in her chair.

"I would advise you not to threaten me, Khagan."

"Because you'll burn him to ash?Freeze his blood?" Nesryn snapped, gripping her dagger.

"Don't be so simple-minded. It's because I have a mighty kingdom at my back that presents a threat, even to the Khaganate."

"So you've come to declare war." Sartaq's voice was colder than the wind on the Ruhnn Mountains.

Astern paused, pulling a dagger out of it's sheath and examining it, spinning it on a fingertip.

"If you do not play your cards right, Great Khagan, it is a possible outcome, yes"

"Do you not want this war, General?" Nesryn couldn't help but ask

"Nobody wants war." Astern's grin said otherwise.

"Indeed. If you would like to rest, a servant will show you to your rooms."

Astern stood up, without a second glance at them and followed the servant. Her Third stayed behind a second longer. He wasn't ruffled as Sartaq raised an eyebrow,instead looking down at him with disdain right before he stalked off. Nesryn did not dare to slouch until they left.

Where General Astern was all calculated words and poisoned smiles, her Third was moonfire- cold and distant but with every emotion written on that beautiful face.

"Sartaq" Nesryn breathed, grabbing his arm "we have to tell them. We have to find her."
Sartaq only frowned
"What?" She pushed, tugging a little on his arm to portray her sense of urgency
Sartaq only shook his head.
Aella waited until the servant was gone before letting her cool mask falter. She looked for holes, for anything that could be used to spy on them before she collapsed onto her bed.
"Sebastian" she moaned and he frowned down at her
"I don't know. It's suddenly hit me that every single gesture I make, every word I say, is calculated. Even here, I have to pretend. And I feel so tired."
He stared at her for a moment before he lay down next to her, an arm wrapped around her
"We'll figure it out, Aella."
Aella shuddered as her emotions rose, she wanted to curl into a ball and cry, shed this skin and become someone else entirely. Someone who didn't have to think through every word and gesture, every glance. She wanted to become someone who had no goddamn pressure on her mind to constantly find ways to dull her magic's edge, she wanted to run wild and free under nothing but the open sky. She wanted to be able to express emotion she felt on her face. She didn't know how to. And she found that it scared her. She cared for many things, her cadre, her mate but she couldn't show it to them. And she was terrified of that. She didn't know what had brought this train of thought to her head, but she hated it. It made her realise things she wanted to bury deep.
"I know, Fireheart, I know" Sebastian murmured against her ear and that word, the name her mother had called her resonated so deep in Aella's husk of a heart that she cried.
Sh turned into him and she sobbed on his chest
"I am so tired, Sebastian. I am so,so tired."
"Of what?"
He knew why. He just wanted her to say it, to acknowledge that this crack in her facade existed.
"Of being someone I am not"
"Who are you, Fireheart?"
And Aella did not hesitate, she had no room in her heart for this secret anymore. She could not bear it.
"I am Aiyra Ashryver Whitethorn Galathynius. I am the Heir of Terrasen."

The Princess of TerrasenWhere stories live. Discover now