Ch. 18

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Deanna sat on her throne, straight backed and with her power like a silver maelstrom behind her.

Aella had never seen what Deanna's magic manifested as. She wondered if this was the reason why.

"General." Deanna's voice was a purr, low and sensual

Aella only flipped the sword in her hand. Once, twice, thrice.

"I'm going to kill you." she said, voice colder than her ice, emptier than her heart.

"I wouldn't suggest trying." Deanna said, as casually as if she was discussing the weather.

The black flames dancing on her skin flared.

"You killed my mate." Aella said hollowly, but did not look away from Deanna. Deanna leaned back, graceful as ever and smiled.

"But even you," her face twisted into an ugly sneer "the World-Breaker cannot kill a goddess."

Aella couldn't find it in herself to be surprised. She didn't even know if she cared.

"I like the odds." was all she said

"When your mother banished me, the goddess of the hunt and the moon, Mora, she didn't seem to account for the fact that I was alive a long time before she walked on this world. She left the portal open for just enough time for me to get out."

Aella's concentration and rage didn't slip upon learning that Deanna was Mora, the source of her power. It amplified.

"You kidnapped me to get revenge on my mother, then."

"It started that way. It became something more."

"It was a decent enough try, I suppose. I don't really think Aelin's still hung up over it" Aella smiled slightly, revealing canines that poked out onto her lips, piercing them and drawing out little specks of blood.

"A try, General? I'd say it's more than that." Deanna moved until she was standing directly in front of Aella, her nails digging into Aella's skin as she ran a hand down her cheek.

"I've wrecked you, Aella. I've turned you from the fire-crowned heir of Terrasen to a general running from her own mind, running from her magic. I killed Aiyra Ashryver Whitethorn Galathynius, made her into a monster. I made Aella Astern and then I made your life hell."

"Yes, you did Deanna. When I was a child, you beat me down, you watched me bleed. But you never realised that Terrasen still ran in my blood. You locked me in dungeons hewn from stone. You made me afraid of the dark. Then I realised that I could light it up. I could make the darkness so bright it would be like the light of a thousand suns. I am the Fire-Bringer. You pushed me. And you pushed me. And I bent, and bent, and bent. But then you did this." Aella snarled "now you'll see how hard I push back. I am the Heir of Ash, the Queen of Flame. And now you'll know my fury. And you will know my name. Aiyra Ashryver Whitethorn Galathynius."

Deanna's barked out a growl.

"That is not your name."

"This is my rebirth, Mora."

She couldn't stay in Aella Astern's skin. Not after this. Aella Astern was dead. She died with her mate.

"Your legacy will be nothing more than an unmarked grave."

"My legacy will be great. You will be nothing. Your legacy will be ash and dust. And I will be a God-Killer."

Arondite whined softly as she flipped it in her hands a few times. She let her magic take control again. Deanna laughed, low and wicked and wild.

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