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The day of Cerin's birthday arrived, Aiyra made herself look calmly in the mirror as Nova pulled her hair back into something Aiyra couldn't make out the details of, but looked dainty.

Nova fastened earrings made of sapphires to her ears, clasped a heavy necklace around her throat, Aiyra examined the box for rings and put multiple on her hands and slipped into her shoes. Nova pulled a tiara out from somewhere.

"Your mother requested you wear this."

It was beautiful, elaborate, and made of delicately twisted bands of platinum supporting tear drop shaped blue diamonds.

Aiyra's throat tightened, no, she couldn't wear that, it brings a bitter taste to her mouth. She is a murderer, she is a failure, and she does not deserve anything like this. She tried ducking out of the way, but Nova growled lightly and practically shoved it on. 

Nova had refused to put any makeup but a lip colour on, saying that Aiyra didn't need anything- her features were defined enough.

Aiyra fingered her necklace questioningly. It seemed a bit much.

"Of course not." Nova rolled her eyes "have you seen what your mother wears on occasions like these? If you don't wear that, you'll look no different than a farmer's daughter."

Aiyra winced, but stood up, allowing Salkhi to slither off her arm and gave Aecis a pat before she slipped out the doors.

She met Elio on the stairs, he grinned at her.

"You look nice."

She inclined her head in acknowledgement and thanks, looking him up and down once and winking.

He laughed and offered her an arm.

"Come, we're going to be late."

She rolled her eyes, but took his arm and let him lead her to the ballroom. There were large amounts of noise coming from the doors and she slowed down to a stop.

"Relax," Elio said, craning his neck in the direction of the kitchen "go down that corridor, turn left before you enter the kitchen and you'll be able to enter without all the fuss."

She smiled in relief, squeezed his arm a bit and headed away. Servers danced around her, barely sparing her a second glance. 

Aiyra headed out the door, straight into a crowd of giggling females with jewels as heavy as her head on their necks. She shuddered, thanking the stars Nova didn't give her anything too heavy and scanned the room for Elio. 

She saw him by the doors, caught in the embrace of a portly, red faced male. She saw Ilona sneaking chocolate from the table, Cerin was already dancing, holding the hands of a male who only came up to his shoulders at best. Aiyra watched them, the way they danced, holding each other so, so close, Cerin with a smile on his face-a real smile. One she hadn't seen yet. 

Elio slipped through the crowd, reaching her at the same time as Ilona, who twirled a strand of golden hair around her finger.

"Have either of you met Aunt Elide or Uncle Lorcan yet?" she glared at Elio accusingly

"Shut up, Ilona. Mind your own business."

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