Ch. 32

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Antony broke into a smile so wide it threatened to split his face in two as he caught sight of her. Aiyra couldn't help a smile as she looked at him. There he was. The boy with the brown eyes full of wonder.

And suddenly she was hurtling across the grass, racing for him, dropping to her knees and opening her arms wide.

"I knew I'd see you again," he said, smiling even wider as she let him go.

"How did you-how are you here?"

"Mama decided to come here a few months ago, and we've been here ever since,"

"Is she alright?"

"Of course she's alright," Antony said, the smile never leaving his face "I'm not, though."

"Right. So what's been going on? You've been having trouble with magic, apparently."

"It's so strange, Aiyra! It's fire, but it doesn't burn and just instantly kills," the smile fades. "I accidentally killed a squirrel."

"Did your father have magic?"

"He was Fae, but I don't know about magic."

"Can you call it up?"

He nods, and brings his hands out, black flame dancing in his palms. It's clearly taking him effort to contain it, but Aiyra needs to check. She carefully dips a finger into the pool of flames, but feels absolutely nothing. Her magic reacts instantly, but instead of leaping to attack, they race through her skin, warming her and setting her alight with a fiery golden glow. He grits his teeth as the flames in his palm leap up and outwards, towards Aiyra. Golden flames rise to her skin, dancing over her hand and his magic retreats,

"Stop now," she says, staring at him curiously. Her flames are black now, not gold. But just now she was glowing golden because of them, the flames that cleanse and create rather than destroy.


"Was your magic as strong as this before you killed the squirrel?"

Antony shrugged, and Aiyra hummed to herself.

"Antony, I think I need to talk to your mother." she murmurs.

Because that magic was unholy. There was something seriously wrong with it.

"Is everything-"

"I don't know, but you don't need to worry. You'll be able to control it once I confirm what it is with your mother, then it won't harm you or anyone else."

"Are you sure?"


He nods, frowning a bit

"Is that it for today?"

"Yes, I'll see you tomorrow."

She goes back to her own classroom, takes her last class with the Tenth Years and goes to see Mrs. Goyter.

"Good afternoon, Aiyra," she says as a greeting "how was your first day?"

"Good, actually,"

"Glad to hear it. Have you met Antony yet?"

"Yes, and I think I have an idea as to what it is, but I'll need to talk to his mother."

Mrs. Goyter peers at her over steepled fingers, then nods.

"Alright. Take her address from the record book outside and go see her now, if your classes are over."

"Thank you," Aiyra stands, walking out of her office to find the book. She scans for Antony, coming across his name fairly quickly. She reads the address, memorises it, and leaves with a wave to Ilias, who is in the grounds with his class.

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