Ch. 26

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Aiyra cracked her eyes open. The curtains had been drawn and her eyes adjusted quickly. Cerin was at the window, and he turned to look at her, mouth pulled into a worried scowl.

"How are you feeling."

"Alright." She did. She felt energetic.

"Good enough to spar?"

She debated it for a heartbeat, then shrugged.


"I'll meet you in the courtyard, then." He tipped her a crooked smile and left, the light catching on his sword. A sword that glowed like lightning.

She stood, pulled on her favourite pair of witch leathers, buckled Arondite at her waist and pulled her hair into a tight braid at the nape of her neck. She splashed some water on her face and walked through the silent castle to the moonlit courtyard. 

Cerin watched her come closer, and then he grinned as he unsheathed his sword, she bared her teeth in response as she tugged Arondite free of it's own sheath. The black blade shone menacingly in the bright light of the moon, Cerin looked at it for a moment, expressionless. Then he raised his sword and she met it, the blades clanging. 

"I want you to know," Cerin said as they pressed with all their strength, their blades remaining crossed "that you will not be Queen."

Aiyra broke out of the hold, nimbly jumping over the quick slice he made for her feet and snorted 

"I don't want to be Queen."

He took a step back from a rather vicious cut towards his face and frowned

"Then why are you back?"

She sighed, parrying a thrust and launching into a counter-attack quick enough that conversation halted for a while. They fought themselves into an impasse, and Cerin breathed harshly as they called it off for a minute. 

"I'm back, because I missed my home."

"Don't lie." Simple, stark words with no bite to them.

She did nothing but put Arondite to the side and raise her fists, signalling that she wanted hand- to- hand combat and Cerin obliged. She threw the first punch at his stomach, he blocked it and waited till she had fended off a swift uppercut to her throat before answering, even as she dodged punches.

"I am here because I killed my cadre and because I could not save my mate and because I razed my second home to ashes."

She punctuated each new reason with a punch, or a kick in the case of the second, and when she had finished, she gripped his hand and used his momentum to throw him over her shoulder. He lay on the ground, blinking slowly up at her, then he wrapped his legs around her waist, pulling sharply until she was rolling on the ground, both of them scrabbling for purchase, and when he managed to pin her, they were both breathing harshly and she let go of his arms, signalling she was done. 

He shifted, getting up, then he froze. His nostrils flared a bit and he looked down at her, then at her stomach. He scrambled off of he like he'd been burned and gaped. Unashamedly gaped. 

"What-" she stood up but he shook his head in amazement

"Are-are you...pregnant?"

"What?"her heart stopped beating. She felt the blood drain from her face. 

"I couldn't smell it before, but after I pinned you..." he trailed off as she sat up, pale as the moon.

"Are you sure?" she asked, urgency ringing in her voice

"I'm pretty sure, but we can go to the healer to be sure."


She nodded wordlessly and Cerin nodded, tossing her her sword and putting his own back in its sheath. They walk together through the castle, and Cerin frowns as he starts being able to hear her heartbeat. 

"Your mate," he starts, and she stiffens, but gives no sign to stop "who was he?"

"Sebastian Miyron." she says almost reverently 

"Oh. Was that when-"

"I unleashed a magical shit storm? Yes."

"What happened?"

"I couldn't stop someone from murdering him right in front of me." she said in a dull monotone, "despite all my magic and all my training, I let her stab him."

Cerin's blood chilled. He couldn't imagine anything happening to Ilias. He would die if something like that ever happened.

"Aiyra," he tugged on her hand, pulling her to a stop, fighting to get the words past his tongue "I didn't- I don't- I just don't know how I'd bear it if Ilias- I'm sorry. I am so sorry." 

He pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her tightly as she started to shake. 

"I hate myself," she chokes out and Cerin only squeezes her tighter because he can't find any words to console her. There are no words to console her.

"But," she says, her body still shaking with the force of her tears "if I am pregnant, then it's his baby and- and I'm so happy that I get that piece of him." she gets quieter and quieter with every word and he can barely hear her, but he gives her a quick squeeze in response, throat too thick to say anything. 

She moves away from him, dries her face with one hand, grabs his hand with the other and lets him lead the way to the infirmary. 

"Your Highnesses," the healer bows low, voice deep and calm "how can I assist you?"

Aiyra didn't say anything so Cerin did.

"I scented that she was pregnant, we just want to be sure."

"Of course," she bowed slightly as she gestured Aiyra to the table. Aiyra hopped on, ignoring the healer's offer to get a stool and allowed the healer to slip her hands under her leathers and place them on her stomach.

"Have you been vomiting recently? Any changes in appetite?"

"Vomiting, yes. I don't eat a lot so I don't know about any changes."

The healer stayed silent for a moment, poking and prodding gently, then she straightened. 

"Well, Your Highness,I'd suggest you start eating more because you are indeed pregnant. Just a month along."

"Oh." Aiyra said softly, hand going immediately to her belly. "I'm not hurting it, am I?"

"If you keep tumbling all over the ground, then yes, you will hurt it. Try to stay away from training entirely. Fae births are difficult enough as it is. You need to eat more, you won't be able to support two with the amount you're eating."

Aiyra nodded, a small smile playing about her lips. 

"Go, rest and please don't hesitate to alert me if there are any issues."

"Alright." Aiyra said, hopping off the table and taking  Cerin's hand again as they walked back to their chambers.

He stole a few glances to gauge her reaction, but relaxed when he saw her fucking beaming. 

"Aiyra?" he scratched his head "I'm sorry for how I was acting. I just thought you wanted the throne."

"I never want to be in a position of authority ever again, Cerin. You don't need to worry." she said, turning to face him as they reached her room. "Thank you." she stood on her toes to throw her arms around his neck one last time and disappeared into her room with a smile on her face. 

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