Love Is Like Gravity

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A/N: So Y/N does have a quirk, but his quirk is a Stand's ability. For example, if he were to have King Crimson then he can use KC's abilities as his own. If he has The World, he can stop time. If he has Sticky Finger (or Zipper Man) he can used his zippers to help him out. In this case, he uses Killer Queen, but some of his abilities have been changed so it can fit the story.


"Hey Y/N~!" I closed my eyes as I felt Toga wrap her arms around my neck "Guess who I saw today~?" I leaned back and opened my eyes to see Toga licking her lips "Who?" She kissed my forehead and giggled "U~ru~ra~ka~!" I clenched my fist and growled "Was she with... Deku?"

"Uh huh~! They were all kissy kissy today! It made me sick to see those goody goodies locking lips." I slowly rose my hand and put it on top of hers "Promise me...that the next time you see them... you'll kill them." She giggled as I tilted my head a bit. She kissed my lips and smirked right after "Of course Y/N~! Or should I say... Kira~?"


I narrowed my eyes as I watched Ururaka and Midoriya chatting as if I wasn't there. She was sitting extremely close to him. If she slid a bit more she'd be sitting on his lap and I... didn't like that one bit. "I'll be right back." She didn't seem to hear me as she was so... into the conversation. I stood up from my seat and walked into the bathroom and washed my face. I put my hand on the back of my head and clenched my fist "Damn it." As I looked in the mirror, I turned my head to see that my hair had changed and turned white.

My Kira side only shows when something bad is going to happen to me or...when I'm closer to the other side. I walked out the bathroom to see that those two were gone. "Now they left without me. Something strange is going on between them and I'm not fond of it." I had left my phone in my dorm so I couldn't call her. Fantastic.

3rd Person POV

Y/N walked around for nearly an hour but he couldn't find Ururaka or Deku anywhere. He just decided to head to his dorm and call her there. However, when he went around the corner of the hall, he bumped into Mineta who was actually...having a conversation with Todoroki. Today... cannot be real. It's too... bizarre.

"So you two finally stopped making so much noise?" Y/N raised an eyebrow and put one hand in his pocket "I don't understand what you're talking about."

"You and Ururaka. You two were... doing something."
"I haven't seen Ururaka for an hour. She left with Midoriya."
" don't think...." Mineta slowly turned his head up to Todoroki who tilted his head down at Mineta "What are you implying Mineta?"

"Well those two have gotten very close to each other as of late so maybe...they're having s-" Before he could finish his sentence, Y/N walked right past him with a purple and black aura surrounding him. His hair had turned white with hints of black in it. "You better not be doing what that pervert is thinking..." Before he could place his hand on the door...he heard Ururaka's moans.

Y/N froze for a moment before pulling his hand away. The aura disappeared, but his hair still stayed white. "So...he was right. Be glad...that the last bit of love I had for holding me back..." He walked towards the elevator, only to be greeted by Bakugo "The fuck happened to your hair?" Y/N ignored him and walked right in the elevator "Hey, I'm talking to you!" The elevator closed, leaving Bakugo alone in the hallway "The hell's up with him?"

The moans hit his ears and his eyes went wide. As he pieced together what happened, he growled and put his hand up "Pissing me off is one thing...but sleeping with another guy's girl is disgusting Deku." He then put it back down and went to his room "Though... it's not my business..."

End Flashback- Y/N POV

A small smile went across my face as I caressed Toga's cheek "On second thought...kill Ururaka, but leave All Might's successor alive. We can have fun extinguishing One For All together."

A/N: Part 1 of 2. Requested by TheTrueAmourshipper

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