"I Love You"

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A/N: A few things before we start. Number one: I know that I've been gone for a decade and a half. I've just been stuck for a bit. Number two: This chapter is not a genderbent one. I usually don't do those, however I'm not against that, hell there are certain things I'm not against. Also it's another AU. I don't know why I enjoy doing them, but the next one I do i will try not to have it as an AU. Number three: I might be working on another new story or two. The Two-Face story and one about abandonment or betrayal. For that last one I wanna make sure it isn't very cliché since most are, but I'm not against that. Now that that's out the way, I hope you guys and enjoy and have a nice day!

3rd Person POV

"Damn... never realized how empty everything was..." After he accidentally left his permission slip in his locker, Y/N was forced to stay back at school while most of his peers went on a field trip out of state, leaving him alone. Oddly enough, the teacher left to do something, and he had been gone ever since. "Guess I'll just listen to music or something." As Y/N pulled out his phone, the door opened up, revealing a student he wasn't particular fond of. Chelsea Winchester. The sister to the resident douche, Cardin Winchester. Chelsea had long brown hair which was always put into a pony tail. She was currently wearing a black jacket which was unzip, showing off a red shirt that said Bad Intentions, dark jeans, and red and black shoes.

Apparently, she had a thing for Y/N. Now, if she didn't act like her asshat of a brother and if he wasn't in a relationship with Ruby Rose, then maybe, just maybe, they would be a thing. "Well, look who it is."

"Oh great, she's here..." Y/N muttered. Going through his playlist, Y/N decided to play Misery Loves My Company, which had been oddly fitting for his situation. Chelsea entered the room with a smug smirk, closing the door and walking over to Y/N. "Hey cutie~! I see that you're all alone. I bet that you're upset that your friends abandoned you. Why don't you let Momma Chelsea comfort you, hm?" Y/N couldn't help but roll his eyes. She always attempted to flirt with him on a daily basis and each time he would just ignore her. Why didn't she get the hint?

"I think I'm good for now. Chel."
"Chel? That's kind of cute... doll~." Chelsea caressed his cheek slowly and Y/N shook slightly. "With everyone gone... how about you and I get busy, hm? The teachers are off doing whatever they do, probably grading papers or talking shit about the people who left. Nobody could stop us. You could make me shout your name... bend me over the teacher's desk and fuck me till my legs get numb... or maybe we can-"

"Chelsea, I'm... flattered, I honestly am. You're a very... stunning girl and any guy would be lucky to have you... but I'm with someone already." For a brief moment, Chelsea frowned and her gaze went to the wall behind him. However, that frown soon disappeared and her blood red lips formed into smirk that Y/N found unnerving. "Oh right, that Ruby girl. The one who's always spouting about how great the world is... the one who eats cookies... the sister of that annoying, pun telling, bimbo."

"Yang is not a bimbo."
"Really? The guys sure love her watermelon br-"
"Just get to the point." Y/N could feel his emotions flare slightly.
"Your 'pure' girlfriend isn't so pure. And I can prove it."
"That's bullshit."
"Oh? How about we make a deal then?"

This immediately stopped Y/N in his tracks. Chelsea... seemed a bit too confident. 'Surely Ruby wouldn't...but what if she... Wait a minute! Why the hell am I doubting Ruby? She loves me no matter what and I love her the same! I know she wouldn't do anything to hurt me.'

"What kind of deal Chelsea?" The brown haired girl sat on his desk and began to hum the song, Crazy=Genius. "If I show you that Ruby isn't all sunshine and rainbows... you and I get together. If I somehow lose, I'll leave you alone for the whole school year. Deal?" Looking at the hand in his face, Y/N looked up at Chelsea with concerned eyes. His reassurance of Ruby's love dwindling little by little. 'She... She is just too confident. Maybe... No she wouldn't. But what if she did?'

"I'm waiting Y/N." Slowly, Y/N took her hand, and a smile of accomplishment formed on Chelsea's face. "Oh Y/N. Look at how we're basically holding hands. This is gonna be great." Before Chelsea could take out her phone, the bell rang and Y/N quickly stood up and grabbed his things. "Sorry Chel, you'll have to show me some other time." As Y/N left the room to head to his final class, his chest began to feel weak. Seeing how fast Chelsea grabbed her phone worried him deeply. When he went to his last period classroom, he placed his things on his desk and headed to the boy's restroom. He quickly shut the door and pulled out his phone, scrolling through his contacts. "Come on, come on..." As soon as he found her name, he was pressing it like there was no tomorrow.

"H-Hey Ruby."
"Hey Y/N! I miss you, you know."
"I... I miss you too..."
"Is something wrong? You sound upset. Are... Are you upset that I'm not with you?"
"Cheer up Y/N! Tomorrow, I promise to spend all day with you, even if I skip classes."
"Ruby you don't have to do that."
"Too late! When I get back, I'm gonna shower you with kisses, hugs, and cookies!"
"Are you there?"
"Y-Yeah I just... sorry, I gotta go. Class is gonna start soon."
"Okay. I love you!"
"I love you too..."

As the call ended, tears slipped down his cheeks "I... I doubted her. Damn it, what's wrong with me?" He wiped them away and looked up at the mirror. "God I'm glad to have Ruby..."

Time Skip

Once the final bell rang, Y/N was quick to head to his locker. The faster he left this place the better. "Oh Y/N~!" Stopping at the final number to his combination, Y/N turned his head to see Chelsea with one hand on her hip and her phone in the other. "Yes... Chelsea?"

"You and I had a deal, remember?"
"Yes, I remember it. How couldn't it." Chelsea walked over towards him, leaning against the hollow lockers.
"Ready to be mine~?"
"Nope." Y/N opened his locker and pulled out his book bag. As he shut his locker, he turned to Chelsea with a small smile, which she returned. She handed her phone over to him and giggled "I wonder what I'll have you do first. Should I have you do something simple like sucking my breasts...or eating me out? Hmm..."

Y/N quickly took the phone away from Chelsea with a raised eyebrow. She had a video? Oddly enough it was all black. As soon as he pressed play... Y/N found his knees weak.

"Hold on, someone's calling me." The camera shifted to Ruby, holding another guy's cock in her hand. "Hello?" The guy behind the camera chuckled as he felt Ruby lick the tip. "Hey Y/N! I miss you, you know." Ruby rolled her eyes, licking up and down on his shaft. "Is something wrong? You sound upset. Are... Are you upset that I'm not with you?" Ruby's hand moved faster, and the guy holding the phone moaned softly "Cheer up Y/N! Tomorrow, I promise to spend all day with you, even if I skip classes." Ruby rolled her eyes and licked the tip once again. "Too late! When I get back, I'm gonna shower you with kisses, hugs, and cookies!"

"Are you there?" Ruby pushed her hair behind her ear "Okay. I love you!" As soon as Ruby ended the call, her head was shoved all the way down, and a familiar voice said "Took you long enough you damn tease." Ruby looked up at him and winked, pulling her head back "That's the fourth time you've done that this week Eric."

"It's your fault for being a tease Ruby."
"Always have been."

Once the video ended, the confidence in Y/N shattered. "She... She told me she loved me..."

Chelsea wrapped her arms around him and leaned in close to his ear "Who said she was talking to you when she said it?" Pulling her head back slightly, Chelsea planted her lips on Y/N's, taking in the moment. For Chelsea, this was godsend. She thanked Ruby for being just like her sister. For Y/N... it was the worst day of his life.

"Now come on. We have a whole day of... fun to plan~!"

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