A Dragon's Plan (4)

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3rd Person POV

"Y... Y/N..." Yang released Weiss from her grip and she quickly turned around "H-How long have you been there?" Yang could see the tears welling up in his eyes "Was I just some toy to you?" Yang took a step closer to Y/N, but he took one back "I-I don't know what you're talking about Y/N."

"Don't lie to me Yang. I... I saw everything."
"H-How?" Y/N slowly pointed towards the hidden camera.
"I saw and heard everything."
"...Y/N I-"
"I thought you genuinely cared for me! I thought that I had a shoulder to cry on, but it turns out you were just a liar!"

Yang could feel her heart break a bit "You... You took advantage of both me and Weiss when we were vulnerable..." Y/N's tears began to go down his cheek "You're... You're the reason my heart's been hurting like hell..." Y/N looked down as he placed his hand on his chest.

"I... I only did this because I wanted you to be happy."
"I was happy! I had Weiss in my life!"
"That snotty brat would've hurt you Y/N! Don't you see that? All her family ever does it screw people over! That's why Blake agreed to do this with me!"

Yang ultimately forgot that there had been a camera right there.

"W... W-What?"
"Blake will always hate the Schnee name for as long as she lives. When I told her about my plan, she was fucking thrilled! She wanted to hurt any Schnee she could get her damn hands on!" Y/N's eyes couldn't get any wider "Her family has ruined so many lives. I... I just didn't want her ruining yours."

"...She didn't. You did."

Time Skip

"How long will she have?" Ozpin closed his eyes, sipping his coffee "I do not know. If I were to estimate I'd say 20 years. Especially since Neptune was a student at one of the academies." Y/N nodded slowly and he looked down at the ground "I heard Ms. Belladonna was arrested as well and that they deleted the video..."

"I never got the chance to ask this, but... are you okay Y/N?"
"...No. I... I don't think I'll ever be okay after this. I was used like some pathetic pawn in a game of chess by someone I trusted. The girl I loved slept with another man and now... I feel like I failed both of them."
"If... If I didn't avoid Weiss to find something to get her, she wouldn't have felt abandoned. Neptune would still be alive and if I was a better friend to Yang... I could've helped her get over me."
"... That's quite the interesting thought Mr. L/N. However, you shouldn't blame yourself for all of these events. You couldn't have foreseen this."

"...If only."

Time Skip

Y/N hesitated to knock on RWBY's door. Each time he raised his hand to do so, he'd put it back down. "Hey man." Y/N turned around to see Jaune leaning against the doorframe "H... Hey."

"I'm sorry for what happened to you. With Weiss... and with Yang." Y/N tried his best to smile "It's... It's alright man. Don't these things usually happen?"
"Not to good people like you."
"I wouldn't necessarily call myself good..."
"Bullshit. I can't even count the amount of things you've done on 3 hands. If I had three of course." Y/N have Jaune a soft chuckle "So... are you gonna knock?"

Y/N stayed silent for a few moments before sighing "I honestly don't know. I'm still on the fence of whether or not I should forgive her. If I knock that would mean I wanna clear things up, but if I don't..." Y/N looked back at the door "What would happen next? Would Weiss do the same thing Yang did? Attempting to get me back by using her own twisted plan?"

"...What does your heart say?"
"... It's quiet. The only thing I can hear from it is its steady beat."
"What about your gut?"
"Same as my stomach, only I'm getting no sound."

Jaune sighed, walking back into his dorm "Sorry man, but I can't help you. I wish I could, but..."

"It's alright Jaune. I'll figure something out."
"...I hope so." As Jaune's door shut, Y/N heard another one open "Y/N?" He froze. Weiss was right behind him.

A/N: And that's where we'll leave off with this story. Tell me what you guys thought and I'll see you guys later.

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