Late n' Busy

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A/N: Modern AU. Also this is not a requested Chapter. Next chapter will be. Also this chapter is long. Like, really long. Since this is part one, I wanted to set up how Y/N gets cheated on. Part two will be when the deed is done and the aftermath of the event.

3rd Person POV

"So are gonna come today?"
"Sorry Yang, but I... I gotta study for this Chemistry test a-"
"Y/N Chemistry can wait. You have the whole weekend to study. This match is important to me. Especially since it's against Atlas."
"Yang I'm failing half of my classes-"
"That's because you attempt to juggle work and school at the same time. You're always tired and you fall asleep most of the time..."
"I... I-I know but-"
"Y/N, please."
"Well... that's better than a no. It starts in an hour..."

Yang tilted his chin down and gave him a quick peck on the lips before walking away. "...Damn it." Y/N put his jacket on and closed his locker. He began to make his way to the entrance of Beacon, but he felt someone pulling on his hood "Y/N!" He turned his head to see Nora with a rather large grin on her face "Hey Nora, what's up?"

"Well Jaune and I were going to Steel Pan and I was wondering if you'd like to come with us?" Y/N shook his head and sighed "I'm sorry Nora, but I can't. I have to study for this Chemistry test." Nora raised an eyebrow before her eyes went wide "OH MY GOD WE HAVE A FUCKING TEST?!?!" Y/N nodded and Nora grabbed his hand "We have to find Pyrrha! She has the best grade in Chemistry! Pyrrha!!!!!"

"Wait Nora I- OH GOD!" Nora basically dragged Y/N as she ran down the hall "PYRHHA! WHERE ARE YOU?" Nora stopped and waved her hand "Pyrrha!" Pyrrha stopped and waved back "Hello!" Nora, and a tired Y/N, walked towards Pyrrha "I need your help with that Chemistry test! Do you think you could help?"

"Of course."
"Great! Oh, and Y/N needs help too."
"W-Wait, you do?" Y/N nodded.
"He sure does! He has the...second worst grade in our class!"
"Well how about I help you? With the notes we take today, we should be able to help each other."
"...I guess it's better than doing it myself. We have to hurry though. I... I don't wanna upset Yang anymore than I already have."
"What happened?"
"She wanted me to go to her Volleyball Game, but I needed to study."
"Well we'll be done in no time!"

Y/N sighed and Nora finally let go of him "So... I guess we should get going."

Time Skip- At Y/N's Place

Y/N closed his Chemistry book and sighed "Finally!" As he stood up, he looked at his watch and nearly fell over "SHIT! I ONLY HAVE A FEW MINUTES BEFORE THE BUS COMES!" However, a shoe was thrown at his head after he stated this "No swearing Y/N!" He rubbed his head and grabbed his jacket "Sorry Mom!" Nora chuckled and stood up along with Pyrrha "I like her." Y/N, Nora, and Pyrrha all ran out the house and towards the nearest bus stop "We gotta hurry!" They could see the bus riding up to the stop and Y/N's speed increased "Come on, come on!"

Thankfully, the bus driver waited for them to get on "You guys look like you're in a hurry." Y/N nodded and fumbled to get out his Bus Card "Shit, shit, shit! Where is it?!" The bus driver chuckled and waved his hand "Just have a seat. I'll take you wherever you need to go."

With Yang

As Yang and her team walked on to the court, she looked at the crowd and frowned since she couldn't find Y/N. Did he forget? Or did something else come up? "Something bothering you Sis?" Ruby put her hand on Yang's shoulder and only got a sigh as a response.

With Y/N

"Come on Yang, respond please!" Y/N began to tap his foot rapidly as he waited for Yang to text back "Maybe...maybe the game started already?" Y/N's eyes went wide as the bus stopped at a red light. "I...It probably did." He ran his hand through his head and sighed "Well... I did fail in the end. The doors are probably shut too so... nobody's getting in." He turned his phone off and put it in his pocket.

"Well could try and make it up to her?" He looked at Pyrrha who have him a small smile "How could I do that? Getting her a gift wouldn't work." Nora decided to throw her own idea into the hat by saying "Why don't you spend the whole weekends with her? Take her on a couple of dates you fool!"

"... That's not a bad idea. Any recommendations?"
"I... uhhh..."
"Well you could take her to the movies first. There's also a carnival tomorrow."

Y/N smiled and hugged both girls, even though he was just pulling Nora over the seat by accident.

Time Skip- With Yang

After losing pretty bad to their rivals, the girls decided to head to a diner that was nearby "We sucked tonight!" Coco slammed her head on the table while Velvet was trying to calm her down "N-Now now Coco, we still have next time." Yang however, was on her phone trying to get a hold of Y/N who hadn't been answering. "Why the hell isn't he answering?!" Yang nearly crushed her phone, but she started to calm down when she heard her favorite song playing. "Who are you trying to call Yang?"

"Y/N. He didn't come to the game..."
"He's always busy. Trying to balance work and school can be hard sometimes."
"Yeah, but he could've studied tomorrow..."
"I guess, but you don't know what he could've been doing Saturday."
"I gu-"

"Hey girls!" Sun, Neptune, and Sage had walked by the table which caused all of them to blush a bit "You guys did pretty good!" Blake started to mumble something, but nobody heard it "Hey Yang." Sage winked at Yang and she almost dropped her phone "H-Hey."

"Could we talk for a minute?" Ruby looked at her sister and raised an eyebrow "S-Sure thing." As they left, Ruby slowly took her phone out.

"So what did you wanna talk about?"
"I noticed you were a bit upset during the game. What happened?"
"I... I don't wanna talk about it."
"You sure? Talking can help a lot."
"...You know Y/N right?"
"The busy guy who can't balance work and school?"
"How does everyone know that?"
"It's pretty obvious. What about him?"
"Well he...he didn't say he'd come to the game, but he did say maybe."
"Yang, you know he meant no. He can't balance anything."
"I... I know. He said that he needed to study, but I really wanted him to be there."
"Are you sure you two are in a relationship?"
"Then why does he always leave you? Shouldn't a real boyfriend be there for his girlfriend?"
"He is my real boyfriend."

Sage rolled his eyes and leaned against the wall "Doesn't seem like it." Yang sighed and looked down for a few seconds "He...he tries his best, but... I don't know. It's not like he isn't romantic, but it's just that he..." She looked away and crossed her arms "If we were together... I'd be there for you. I wouldn't care if I was failing my classes or if I had work. You'd be my universe." Yang blushed and started to stutter "S-Sage you can't say that!"

"Why not? Y/N doesn't do it. Like I said, he isn't your real boyfriend. I'd be your real boyfriend."
"I... I'm gonna either regret this... or I'm not."

Sage raised an eyebrow, but was caught off guard by a kiss from Yang. As they departed lips, Sage smirked "Your place?"

"Sure. Dad won't be home in awhile."

(Still with us?)


I decided to go home rather than go to Beacon since I didn't want Yang to strangle me then and there. Did not want that. I grabbed my phone charger and plugged it into the wall "I hope she didn't text back yet. I'd... feel bad about not answering when she's trying to talk." That's when I started to think about the times I left or ignored her. I didn't do it on purpose, but I was just so damn tired or busy. "Maybe I should quit that job. It's been hurting my relationship day by day."

After a couple of minutes, I went back to my phone, only to find that Yang sent me 12 messages. "Damn it..." As I began to text back, Ruby called me.

"Hey Y/N, where are you right now?"
"Home. I was going to go to the game, but it probably already started. Did you guys win?"
"Nope. We...sucked today."
"I'm sorry."
"It's fine. Anyways, Yang left with Sage and never came back."
"I... I'll call you back."

I hung up and began to call Yang, but each time I did she never answered. "What could she be doing?" I continued to ask myself this for minutes only to never have my question answered.

A/N: Part 1 of 2.

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