chapter 9!!

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"Mom. Dad died." I say feeling terrible.

Has my mother gone crazy?! my father died a long time ago. Why is she saying this. I can't explain how I'm feeling right now.

"Sweetie, Katniss, he is alive. He came to see me the other day in District 4, he told me to come here, he lives in District 12 too! Katniss I even know where he lives. He offered me to stay with him if you didn't forgive me. Katniss, I know it's hard to believe.

"Mom. This isn't funny." I say getting angry.

"If you don't believe me, you can come see him, well tomorrow, he is still working right now."

i feel sorta angry, but i just want to prove my mom wrong so i just say,

"Ok, but Peeta has to come with me and it has to be in the morning, ok."

"ok, thats good. we will go in the morning."

"ok, lets go to dinner maybe Peeta finished."

"It's great your husband can cook."

"I know he is the best." i say and smile

We ate dinner and we watched a movie with my mom, we saw Harry Poter, after that we just went to sleep. i told Peeta about what my mom told me and he looked at me like i was crazy. i explained that I just want to prove her that he is dead. he said ok that we will go in the morning.

In the morning Peeta woke me up. We changed our clothes and my mom was already all ready when we went to the living room. She is shaking, I know she is scared. But i'm wondering where she will actually take us. She shows us the adress and we go walking.

"Mom, you sure about this?" I ask very worried.

"Yes, I'm positive." she says, she knows where she is going so Peeta and I go along.

We walk for a hour, I'm getting tired. Then my mom starts shaking and points to a orange house. We stare at it. Who can actually be in there? It's probably abandoned even though the house looks beauiful.

"Mom..." I say.

"Sweetie, your father is in there."

Peeta hugs me tight and whispers  'It will be ok.' I'm still etremely scared and I don't know why. My mother knocks on the door. nobody answers. I feel a sign of relief but then a man answers the door.

There I see my father.

He is here and alive. I'm shaking like a chiuauaha. Wait this can't be my dad. My dad is dead, no it can't, it just can't, no I won't believe it until I test it!

"Katniss? Katniss! Katniss is that you?!" the man hugs me tight. He feels like my father

"Your not my dad, my dad died." I say plling away from the hug.

"Katniss... Come inside, I have a lot of explaining to do," He says gesturing for me to go inside.

"Katniss this looks a lot like your father." Peeta whispers.

I forgot Peeta was here. I'm shaking and I enter the house. My 'dad' kisses my mother's hand just like he used to when he was alive. Am I going crazy?!

"Peeta? Is it really you? Wait..." the man looks at him holding my hand.

"Please, explain what happened to you." i say to the man.

"Katniss, you see. When i was working in the mines I had to go get some water and food for the rest of the workers. They were all getting dizzy and tired, so I went to get food. Just when I returned the whole mine exploded. Everyone was bursted in bits. I almost was dead, but the expolsion knocked off my hearing from my left ear. I lost some memory when the mine exploded. I went in the woods and I started to remember everything, it toke about 3 or 4 years to remember everything. When I wanted to return and I did but I didn't have the courage to return to you guys because I knew you guys will be angry with me. When I came i got this house. I saw you, you katniss, you where on tv, you where leading the rebellion. I felt like a terrible father becasue there was a special of you. It showed how you volunteered for my beautifull daughter Primrose, how you played in the hunger games, how you got out nightlock to save Peeta and yourself. You showed bravery. I saw how you killed President Coin. Katniss your my daughter and I miss you. Katniss please, I know it's hard to believe but it's true." He says. he is crying, tears pour out his eyes.

I don't know what is happening, this seems true. This man can be my father. He might actually be my father. I'm already crying, Peeta is hoding me and holding on to my hand, I'm still shaking. I decide to ask the man questions. I ask the most personal questions, they aren't yes or no questinos. They are full questions that give you no options and only you can answer them if you really knew. My mother doesn't even know what I'm asking. But the man answers every single question right.

"What gift did you give me once?"

"A bow and arrow."

"What song did you always sing that got mom mad?"

"The hanging tree."

"What was our favorite thing to do?"


"What did you always do before I went to sleep?"


"What did I do before I went to sleep."


Those where the easiest questions that even my mom won't answer corectly. Then I know.

This man is my father.


How you guys like it? Hope yall love it. I'll update real soon. Maybe I will update today!! But idk hope u guys like it!!! Love all of u guys! thank you for all the nice comments. I'll try to reply to all of them. :) <3 love you guys!!

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