Chapter 1: The Anxiety of a New Beginning

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It's a typical Saturday night around 2:30 AM. This may seem late to you, but I don't sleep when the sun goes down... It's now around 3:00 AM and I decide that if I want to be up before 1 PM tomorrow I better take myself to bed. I crawl in bed and sleep the rest of whatever night is left...

I wake up the next morning, tell my kik group good morning, and go off about my morning business. This seems like the normal summer life, correct? I hop on my Mac desktop and check my main social media. By then, my group's up and everybody gets chatting, I love it. Just being able to enjoy the flow of conversation while doing completely irrelevant things is the life. Everything's going great, then it hit me...

I frantically check my calendar and it reads August 10th. 

"HOLY SHIT!" I yell regretfully, realizing I would probably that everyone in the wake my mom. I take my voice down a few octaves, and return to my kik group. My message reads:

"Guys reality just hit me really hard... There's only 2 days of summer left?!"

I get replies instantly.


"Wait a second, seriously?!" 

"Oh gosh, no! I'm not ready!!"

Insight: My friends and I are eachother's family. We all come from families with modern family problems, so we consider each other our family. But plot twist... we're all going to different high schools.

 I carry on with my replies as I overthink how high school will be. I really don't want to go... Seriously the thought of drifting away from my family is crazy. I can't do this!

Another insight: I struggle with a moderate level of social anxiety. Sure, it may look from outside that things are completely fine. But inside, there's 1,000 things being said at once. With that being said, everything is going absolutely corrupt for me! My family's trying to pacify me, but all I want to do is cry. Instead, I take a deep breath, and tune up Sleeping With Sirens. Hoping to drown the anxiety out. I'm definitely not looking forward to Monday...

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