Chapter 13: The End.

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A/N: Hey everyone! So, if you couldn't tell, I've been favoring my other two books on here. Mainly because this one got boring to write really fast! I dunno, I guess that just happens in the world of writing stories. Anyway, lets finish this!


My eyes are clenched shut as I feel even more pressure on my throat. At any moment I expect my life to be taken.

"This is what you get!" James yells. "You deserve this!"


"You were born! You spawn of satan!"

"James, Emily, please! I never meant to upset you guys if I did. I-I don't even know what I did! Please don't do this! Do you two really want to spend the rest of your lives behind ba-" I'm intterupted by the knife practically cutting me now.

"Your fault....all you..."

I lose consciousness.

Am I dead? I can't feel anything... 

But then I hear whistles and scuffling. Could it be..? Mr. Underwood! And his squad!

"Cierra! Cierra can you hear me? We gotta get her out of here, she's bleeding out!"

I gain just enough strength to put my hand to my throat. I see the blood gushing and I pretty much give up all hope that I'll make the 20 minute ambulance ride. 

Mom? Can you hear me? Do you sense something's wrong yet? 'Cause it very well is. I love you, mommy. I'm sorry if I don't make it. I'm sorry if I end up like daddy...

I faded in and out for the next hour. Being concious, then being out. Being concious, then being out. The only thing I remember is waking up with a bright light in my face. I assume I'm dying? And am I supposed to stay where I am, or walk toward the light?

But no, that bright light isn't heaven. It's actually an operating lamp. I'M IN SURGERY? Stupid doctors! Whoever put me under anesthetics did NOT do their job! I flail my arms in a sense of panic. The pain of the surgery is  beginning to accentuate. I can't hear much but I assume they felt my struggle and put the gas mask back over my face. Once again, I am out.


The next time I awake is when I'm out of surgery and in a recovery bed. The first person to come to my side is Mr. Underwood, considering I don't have anyone else.

"Hey there little survivor! How do you feel? Oh, wait! Don't try to answer! You wont be able to talk for a couple days while your vocal cords recover. You may end up with a different voice, too.

Well isn't that just dandy.

You'll stay here over night, but I'll be back first thing in the morning because you're getting flown to your mom. We informed her and she sent us the money for you plane ticket. I assume you don't have much to take with you do you?

I give him that "seriously?" look.

"Oh that's!" He pulls out his detective miniature notepad and pencil.

'No not really' I write on the paper.

"Okay I thought so. Well, try to get some sleep."

He goes to take the notepad and pencil away but I smack his hand.

"Don't make me arrest you for assaulting an officer" He kids, I smile in amusement.

"Did you get James and Emily?" I write down and show him.

"Yes! Yes we did! James put up quite a fight but we got 'em both!"

I move my hands in that 'chi-ching' or 'yesssss' way.

He laughs "Noow you get some sleep"

I nod.


"Hey there little fighter! Ready to go see your mom?!"

I nod my head in a enthusiastic way.

I'm out my bed, out the hospital doors, and into the detective's car quick and in a hurry. The faster I'm out of here, the slightly less dept my mom and I will be in for the rest of our lives.

The drive to the airport is long. I usually have music on car rides but my phone's been long gone.


We arrive at the airport just in time for my flight. Mr. Underwood hugs me and sends me on my way but before I walk through the doors I take his pencil and notepad once more and scribble:

Thank you for saving me. I will forever remember you.

He smiles and then shoos me away, onto my flight.


My plane touches down in Georgia. I have no idea what to expect here. I've only been to this state once when I was a little girl. What is it like now? What will my sister's house be like now?

A Taxi driver awaits me as I enter the Georgia airport. He holds a sign with "Cierra?" written on it. It's funny, I just expected to hop on busses all night. And I swear they only do this thing in movies.

He's apparently been informed on my conditions and asks no questions."Hello, I'll be your driver to Mrs. Haether's residence." Well that's my sister's name, at least he's not a fake.

The ride from the airport to my sisters house takes at least an hour. I feel bad for the person that's paying the meter. But I have no music. Bummer.

*A few hours later*

The taxi driver pulls into this fancy community. That's weird, this isn't where she lived last I was here. But then again, it's been almost 10 years.

When the car finally stops, my mom and sister are already standing outside. The taxi driver stops the car, gets out, walks around the car and opens my door.

"CIERRA!" My mom comes running to me while my sister pays for the taxi.

I can't speak, but if I could, I'd tell her how much I missed her.

"$400?! You better be lucky I love my sister!" Heather exclaims as she pays the taxi driver and he pulls off.

My mom is holding me and rubbing the back of my head. I can tell she's crying by the shakiness in her voice. It's just us three left standing here, they both stand in awe of me. "Look at our little fighter mom!" My sister squeals.

I smile and throw that 'well you knowww' gesture.

"Let's go inside, it's cold!" My sister exclaims.

"Yeah I agree. Looks like you have a lot of writing to do little missy. You've got to write us what happened!"



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