Chapter 11: The Plot Twists

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"The reek of pure disgust is even stronger than my last patrol... Who's in here..."

The feet stop at the bed in the corner as I try my hardest not to make a sound. All I can think about was my father; and how the same person in this room with me is the same person who took him away from me. I feel the rage build up inside of me and all I want to do is go postal; but I can't. Must stay quiet. I hold my breath. 

The feet of one out of two backstabbers is at the left side of my old bed. I have two options here:

I can either scoot out the right way and make a break for the door


I can stay here and hope that he'd just leave...

I quickly slide my head a little past the bed frame to get a look at the traitor's position. He's staring out my window, assuming he's looking for Emily that should be around back at the moment. 

I take my chance.

Fast and in a hurry I  whip out my phone and text officer Underwood that I'm on my way and It will be quick. I put it away, pray, and make a run for it.

Wriggling as fast as I can I give away my position under the bed and open the bedroom's door. I hear the sounds of the traitor behind me as he realizes that he wasn't in the room solo. 

I round the corner as a bullet just misses my head.

"Holy Hell!" I scream aloud as I realize it's the same gun that killed my father. I want to turn back and fight but me against a shot gun would not end in my favor. 

I dash to the living room as I discover another problem. Traitor #2 has entered the building. I guess she got suspicious because of James' delayed responses. 

How to get to the safe?! Think fast Cierra! FAST! 

I begin to analyze the situation in my head. Let's see, one behind me with a shotgun, ready to blow my brains out, and one infront of me with a shank in hand, ready to cut my throat and watch me bleed...

My mind starts racing as the first move pops into my head: Get the gun away from James! I remember what I learned in karate class as a child, I remember my instructor telling me to kick fast and don't doubt. I do as remembered and kick my leg behind me and sucessfully send the gun out of James' hand and onto the floor. Not to mention James himself went down with it.

Next there's Emily infront of me, she's charging at me and hoping to catch me off guard.

Mission failed.

I grab her hand with the shank and twist it backwards, making the knife impale her own back. It wasn't enough to kill her, or paralyze her, unfortunately; just enough to keep her down while I get to the safe. 

I hobble over the two wounded individuals lying on my floor in shock of the baddassery that just occured, I give myself props!

As I reach the safe I fight back tears. Just touching the damn thing makes my father's words replay over and over in my head. How could this happen. Why did this happen...

I enter the code and open the safe to reveal the thing most important in this whole opperation;  my daddy's plan if anything were to happen to him or my mother, keys, and my grandmother's old necklace. These all had great value because my dad always said that he had a feeling that someone was going to take his life. He always said that he wasn't simply just going to die, someone was going to kill him, he would be a murder victim

Who would ever think he'd be right...

I snap back into reality from recalling the past. I told Underwood 10 minutes, and it's been 5. On top of that, Emily pulled the knife out her back and James is recovering from his whiplash. 

I slam the safe door shut and jam the things in my little bag I had around my waist, I had 5 minutes to run. 5 minutes to make it. 

Maybe, just about succeeded with my running-out-the-door-plan when I feel a sharp pain in my leg. Emily stabbed me. 

I kick her in the face with the words "I hope you like the taste of dirt" included.

I now, hobble my way out of the door. This isn't good, I've only got 4 minutes left! I decide that this is my family, me, and my everything on the line. I will not let them down. I will not. 

I pick up the pace, at least jogging my way down the street. Thank God it was a downhill slope and thank God she didn't have the strength to stab me harder than she did. 

It takes me about 2 minutes with the motivation to make it to my destination. I fall at the gate of my dad's old car show warehouse. Here's where it's going to get interesting. 

I dread what I see as I look over my sholder, Emily and James have caught up a lot of ground on me, James mostly. That's terrible because I know how strong James is, if he really wanted to, he could pin me down in a matter or seconds and let Emily finish me off. Not today buddy, keep running. 

I get to the warehouse door, I use the key I got out of the safe to open the door. I lift the door up and close it just in time. As the door kisses the ground SMACK goes James' face. I can't help but laugh and taunt him a bit.

"Awww, did you like the way it tasted?" I say with a menacing half-laugh-half-hate speech. 

"When we get in there you're dead! Do you hear me? DEAD! D-E-A-D Cierra!" 

"Thanks for the spelling lesson, but unlike you, I can spell at a 1st grade level thank you very much!"

He bangs on the garage door, I guess he thinks that will help it open. But too bad. I have the key, asshole. 

I call up officer Underwood and tell him that I made it safely and that he and his crew can come in now.

Agh I'm so tired, and I'm still loosing blood from the stab wound on my leg.

Dammit, I think to myself, haven't I got hurt enough in the last month! I rest my head on the concrete and try to block out the constant banging as I hear the police sirens coming closer. Maybe I will be okay. Maybe I did what I was supposed to do. 

I hear the lock on the garage door turn, along with the sliding door begin to open.

"Did you miss me?" James says as he starts charging at me.

Maybe I spoke too soon...


AHHHHHHHHHH! I'm really really really proud of this chapter guys c: I feel so accomplished! Thank you for reading!

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