Chapter 9: Diverging Revenge

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203 reads, Ilyasm! Enjoy the next chapter c:

Last week my mom and I were in the hospital. I was put on trama watch because the impact of hearing my dad had died was too much for me. All I could think about was getting back at the ones that hurt me.

But how?

Since the bastards knew where we live, we couldn't go home. And we didn't want to fly out of state to live with my sister either. We just ended up renting a room in someone's house.

I couldn't go to school, police where afraid they'd try to finish me off or get me badly hurt, at least. We were basically homeless and barely living. What the hell were are we going to do now?

*Ring* My phone went off.

"Cierra? Cierra, pleaseeeee tell me your phone's not dead." -Shannon.

Shannon was my friend from 6th grade. We've somehow always managed to run back into eachother over these past three years. I haven't heard from her in awhile, why the sudden message?

I reply: My phone's not dead, how have you been?!

Fine, but if anything, I should be asking you how you've been! You're all over the news!

"What?" I tell my mom what Shannon's telling me. She goes to our TV and turns on channel three. it reads:

Breaking news, local Gladestein highschool attendant, Cierra, has been attacked by former students James E and Emily Q. The two suspects are armed and dangerous. Last seen 54671 Unisier 20th street West. 

That's my address...Are they seriously still camping out my house? Now we for sure can't go home...

See it? She anticipates a reply.

Yeah I see it! Those two are so malicious! I didn't do anything wrong Shannon! Why is this happening to me?!

I typed. I just want everything to be okay again. I wish I never met those two, and I wish I made my parents go out that night or something! I once again fall into my mother's embrace. What the hell are we supposed to do? What if they find out where we are and they come kill all of us? These sweet people are letting us rent a room in their house and we're putting their lives at risk! 

"Mom, what's going to happen..?" I ask.

"I don't know...I just don't know... I'll h-have to get a job..Uh. then we can get the heck out of this state and be done. You wont have to suffer for much longer baby, give me a month. I'll find a way to make things work." 

"But I don't want to just move and be done!" I scream. "I want to get revenge on them! We shouldn't just turn our backs and let dad be left un-avenged. I NEED TO GET HIS REVENGE." 

my vision starts to blur at the level of rage in me. I don't completely faint, but I'm weakened for a bit.

How to get revenge...

I never was a violent person. Even with my dad's murder, I can't bring myself to take someone else's life. Yes they screwed up my family. But, maybe my mom's right. Not right in the sense that we just drop it and leave - but maybe, just maybe. I can get revenge in a different way...

Oooh suspense! Guys I really don't have much more to write in this unfortunately :( I will however try to make it a happy ending since it's been filled with so much hate and grief xD Tyasm for the reads and votes, I really didn't expect to get this far tbh. Will update soon!

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