Ending Q/A

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Hey guys! So the last chapter I just posted will be the last. Sorry if that disappoints anyone but it just stopped being entertaining to me. Anywayyy as I was writing the last chapter for myself I had a few questions that I know some of you may ask. Here's the ones I thought of:

1) After all, why did James and Emily want to kill my character?

A: Well James was actually a mental patient that escaped his home town and moved to my city. He actually did the same thing to a lot of girls, some weren't as lucky as my character was. Emily was a girl that had a rough past, and took her rage out on anyone that came close to her.

2) What ever happened to my voice? Did I get it back?

A: Use your imagination on this one, what would you prefer to have happened? Tell me below! vvvv

3) Is my mom's name really Paige and my sister's name Haether?

A: No

4) Will there be another book to this?

A: Probably not. If I do write something similar to this in the future, it wont be a sequel.

5) Will there be another book in the place of this one since it's finished?

A: Yes! I'm actually working on a storyline to a book so look out for that! =3

If there's anymore questions that I didn't answer, feel free to comment them below and I will answer them there!

Thank you all so much for reading this book! It's the one I started my Wattpad with and I'm actually a little sad to end it. But nevertheless I have other story ideas coming so look out for one that may be your new favorite! Well, this is it. Highschool Life for a Teenage Girl is officially finished!

-Cc <3

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