Chapter 6: Life Lesson

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What's going on? Why do I feel dizzy? And why is everything so black?!

I try to get up, but the weight of my inactive muscles fight me down. My senses are extremely off, and I can barely make out anything.

After a few minutes of silence, I begin to hear two familiar voices.

"So what do we do with her?"

"I don't know."

"DAMMIT! Emily, you said you had a plan!"

"I do! For fuck's sake, just let me think James!"

What the hell?! This is my (ex)boyfriend and my (ex)best-friend we're talking about! What in God's name grace did they want to do this to me for?! The tears begin contemplating.

No, no time for crying! GET UP! Escape! Survival!

Looks like I'm listening to my conscious this time.

I slightly open my eyes to see the room around me; they dragged me into the little wooden house. There's a table to my right and I can only imagine it holds the weapon of my death. There's no one in the room with me, I suppose the two stepped outside to talk more about their plan of my ceasted existence. I inch my way to the door and confirm my though, they're talking.

"Well so we sit her in a chair and interrogate her?"

"We could but I just want the bitch dead." 

That was Emily's voice.

"Okay let's do this."

I hear footsteps in my direction. No way in hell I'm lettting these two kill me! I quickly search the room for a weapon or anything I could use to my defense. I grab a pot. I'm thinking that James is coming in first so I'm planning to knock him unconscious. 

I press myself against the wall by the door and pray that God's on my side tonight. 

I was right, James walks in first. I take all my rage out on one blow to the head. I hope I killed him. Emily stands shocked not knowing what to do. She panics and tries to run. 

Ohhhh no, you're not getting away from me.

She attempts to hop the gate and run through the wooded path we walked, I grab her legs and pull her down.

"Not so smart now are you?"

"I wouldn't say that"

I look behind me and James is starting to arise from the blow. Great.

I quickly decide that if the both of them is against me I'm definitely done for. I kick Emily as hard as I can to the neck and climb the gate. 

I make it over and attempt to run, I cut my knee pretty bad on the hurried escape but it doesn't matter. The only thing that's on my mind right now is surviving the night.

I make it to the street; scared, confused, alone, and losing a lot of blood - the cut may be worse than just a cut. I quickly try to read the street signs as my vision blurs, I'm hoping I'm reading this right but from what I see it says "Monserate Ave." 

I try to use the cross walk, but the light is taking too long. By now I've lost so much blood I could die any moment.

The light changes, I start to cross. As I make it to the next street the pain from my knee becomes too much. I stumble and fall. I slowly feel life draining from me as I pray to God to just take me. 

Hello? Ma'am? Can you hear me? We gotta get her to the hospital, get in the car!

"Just let me die." I say  as once again my vision goes dark.

You guys have got to be tired of the fainting by now xD Sorry! It's a good time transition though, deal with me :P  What do you guys think I'll do next? Surely I wont let them get away with it? Keep reading to find out! xx 

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