Chapter 4: Making a Turn for the Better..?

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As the stranger bumps into me, my body meets the cold concrete. Already being tired, sad, and confused, I faint at impact. Everything goes dark.


"Cierra? Cierra can you hear me?"

I hear a semi-familiar voice speaking to me.

Am I dead? I wouldn't mind that if I am...

"No silly of course you're not dead!"

Crap. I said that aloud? I open my eyes and scan the room: nurse's office.

"Oh, I'm here...what happened?"

"You fainted, dear. James here bumped into you pretty hard apparently" She sends James a fierce glance.

The boy, James, began speaking to me.

"I'm so sorry, I-I didn't see you when I was walking! The next thing I knew you were on the ground at my feet and I didn't know what to do so I carried you here."

Aww, how sweet. I think to myself.

"Oh... It's okay, if anything I should be sorry, I wasn't paying attention, either."

I give him a quizzical look.

"Well it seems you two are okay now, I'll be in the other room. Call me if you need anything." She leaves the room as I turn my attention back over to James.

" must be pretty strong to KO me like that" I say, laughing lightly.

"Haha, no, it's just because you were almost running."

"So I hear...Mmm my day's just been rough. Pysically and emotionally." I say with a disappointed tone.

"Awh, well, it's lunch time for us...if you wanna go sit down by the big tree and tell me about it?"

I smile. "Sure"

My knee apparently was hurt when I hit the floor so it was a bit hard to walk on my own.

"Ouch!" I exclaim.

"What's wrong?"

"It's my knee, I guess it hit the floor before I did."

"Well the nurse may have crutche-"

I knew she did, but I figured this could be an opportunity.

"No, I was in here this morning. She told me she ran out." I said quickly.

"Well um...If you want...I can um, help you walk?"


"Uh yea, sure! It'd be appreciated." We smiled at each other.

We spent the rest of lunch taking turns talking about ourselves and things we love to do. I noticed that he was a really interesting guy and knows how to hold a conversation. I think I could do this. 


The days go by and I'm still talking to James. He's actually in a lot of my classes and I just never noticed him, as terrible as that sounds. He's really, really sweet and I'm not sure, ugh. The last relationship I was in ended with the guy leaving me for my best friend. How can I trust this one not to do the same? What if he does? God, I'd never love again.


*Three Weeks Later*

"Hey Cierra!"

Here comes James, running to me as I put books into my locker.

"Hey, what goes on?"

"Not much, umm..I have to ask you something."

"Yeah sure, whatcha need?"

"Not here, follow me."

He takes my hand and makes me close my eyes as I follow him to an unknown place.


I see James infront of the big tree we spent talking the day I fainted with a sign that reads "Will you go out with me? (:" Written on it.

I am shocked. 

"Oh my gosh um...I don't know what to say..."

"Please, just give me a chance, I promise I wont hurt you."

I said yes.


"Cc's got a boyfriend! Cc's got a boyfriend!" my family teases me.

"Hush up all of you!"

"So what did he do? Did he kiss you? Did he say I love youuuu?"

"No. No. And no. Hush up!!"

"Hahahaha just kidding, we're all happy for you girl."

Well this is great. Who knew that high school could go from hell to heaven in a matter of a few weeks? Whatever made me sad the first day was so irrelevant to how I felt right now. I'm on top of the world. I think these four years will go a lot better...I hope.

Well, that answers the stranger question. What about Emliy? Why do I still feel like something's wrong about her...

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