Chapter 3: When Things Get Confusing

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The big whoop about going to the left of the gym was just to call roll. Way to make me feel like I was walking into my assassination, coach.

"Hello class, my name is Jim. I will be your gym teacher for the rest of the year..."

I blocked out whatever else he said, I was too busy. Day dreaming. What will my next class would be like?


P.E. seemed to drag on forever if you had nothing to do! It's hot, humid, and muggy out today and a real pain when there's little to no shade. All the shade left was being occupied by ghetto sophomore kids. Great.

As the day went on, things escalated to be even more bewildering. This school has a gigantic campus! I'm talking 400+ buildings. How in the rightful name of hell am I supposed to get from 143 to 615 in 6 minutes?! I nearly run all the way to my next class: Spanish.

"Hola, yo soy Mr. Larson, sus maestro."

Translation: "Hello, I'm Mr.Larson. You all's Spanish teacher." At least that's what a kid next to me said.

I was never really a foreign language person. I didn't care to speak anything than good ol' English. This class was confusing me and it's only Spanish one, on the first day! How am I ever supposed to survive a whole year...

Caught up in my own thoughts, I didn't acknowledge the teacher speaking to me.

A Spanish sentence I don't understand.

"I can tell you're going to be quite the troublemaker, Cierra. Go sit in the front row where I can watch you."

Are you actually serious right now? All I did was let my mind wander for a couple minutes and I'm already the troublemaker of class? I hate this so far.

DING! Bell. Yes. Let me out.

Now onto class number...347. Sorta close. Better than having to run back to the 100's classes!

On the way to my next class someone bumps into me, sending all my belongings to the ground. I'm not a rude person so I don't get mad at this person. She's just another freshman I soon learned.

"Oh, I'm sorry!"

"Haha it's fine." I reply.

"What's your name?"

"Cierra, or people call me Cc for short, how about you?"


"Nice name! Well If I'm to get to class on time I should go."

"Same, cya around, Cierra."

We both take our separate ways. Something about that girl seemed off. I'm not sure how to describe it. It's almost as if she meant to do that just so we'd get to briefly talk. I obviously have no clue. Maybe I'm just crazy.

DING! Oh crap, tardy bell!

I make it into my class just before I'm sent to the office to get a slip.

"This class will be hard, and I won't sugar code it. Prepare for a lot of homework this year."

Really... Was all I could think. At this point I'm already ready to drop out. So far my day has been confusing and lonely. I hadn't hardly talked to anyone. Even if I did, it was either because I was bumped into, or someone needed a pencil. I don't like this...take me home...

I start to feel tears form in my eyes as I try my hardest to fight it all back. I ask to go to the bathroom where I can cry in peace.

It's nothing like I imagined, disgusting bathroom that not even the lowest can use. Fuck that. I'll just suck it up and save it for home. I start off back to my class as, yet again, someone bumps into me again. Only this time, it's not Emily.

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