Chapter 10: Ready, Set, Go.

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"Mom I have an idea... it's very risky.. In fact I may not even make it out of this situation. But it's the chance I'll take for my father's vengeance."

Since backstabbers 1&2 (that's what I'm calling them now,) were last seen around my address, I knew for sure there wasn't a way for me to sneak into my house without having a gun at my face. I needed to find a way to get their attention, but lure them away. 

I went over plots in my head:

I can be the distraction and Mom can run in! But wait, no. She wont know where to find it.

I don't trust my mom being the distraction, I don't think she could out run them or dodge bullets quick enough..

We can get one of the cops! But wait...what would be the point of that?

Looks like I'm handling the main part on my own..

I motioned my mom in the door way of our temporary room to go over the plan with her. 

"I know you're not going to like what I say but I'm pretty sure this is the only way I can get back at them and have a chance of survival."

"Oh no... what do you propose?"

"Here I go.. okay so the plan is..."

I went on about the details and specific time that everything needed to be done in. Of course she objected to most of the blue print but in the end she also knew this had to be done. Let's just say I'm going to have to run fast.

I call up the cops and tell them the plan. This is very risky buisness and they also advise me not to go through with it, but I tell them it's absolutely necessary. My mom is now being driven to the airport. Next flight out, perfect. I needed to get her out of this state because they might've wanted her next. If they are going to get anymore of my family it will have to be me.

I hop on one of our roomate's bike and ride over to my house. We live across the way from a park with a giant oak that is climbable. I get up there, and take my binoculars and cell phone out of my bag. Time to be the eyes for back up. 


I sit here for almost an hour, nothing has moved. I start to think that maybe they finally got over it and left. But of course, I was wrong. 

First I see Emliy, she's circling the house with a shank in hand. It looks like she tried to cover it with her jacket sleeve but failed; I could see the shiny metal. I know she's not hesitant to impale me with it either. 

Next I see James, he comes out of my house and walks down the steps to join Emily in the perimeter check.

How the hell did he get in?

I turn on my phone and call officer Underwood, he's my back up for this whole opperation. 

"Hello, Cierra? What's the status?"

"They're circling my house like sharks, I saw James come out of it too. I don't know how the hell he got in, but he did."

"Cierra," He sighed, "why are you doing this? Why can't our crew just come in and shut it down the easy way?"

"Because this, right here, is personal. Be stationed at the ware house in 10 minutes. Exactly 10 minutes. I'll be quick and in a hurry." 

"Ughh, you're complicated. Over and out."

I shut off my phone and go back to scoping out, they're not in sight. I can't be sure but I'm just going to have to hope they're still walking the back side of the house. I see my opprotunity and I take it.



My palms begin to sweat.


I hop down from the tree, making sure my position is still undetected. I creep from behind the tree and hurry to my front door, I get there to find that it's locked. Good thing my dad taught me how to pick locks! I undo the pin in my hair and position it accordingly. The door unlocks; sucess. 

Going inside my old house makes me tear up at the memories surrounding me. The pictures, the old toys I played with. The very knowledge that it could never be the same makes me absoluetly sick. Yet there's no time for that. I'm on a mission. 

The whole thing that I'm after in my house is in my room, I'm looking for the safe combination. The last time I remember seeing it, it was on a piece of paper. My dad let me hold onto it as my first "responsibility" task. I was so damn proud, I never wanted to disappoint him. I knew exactly where it was.

Under my bed to the left was the piece of paper. The code was my name: "CIERRA" I couldn't resist letting a tear drop as I recalled the voice of my dad telling me that this was important and to not loose it. Now all was left was to get to the safe and then wrap up this whole thing! I start to uncrawl from under my bed and just as I did... I hear foot steps to my right, they're heading in my direction; of course it wasn't going to be that freaking simple! 

I quickly maneuver myself back under the bed and hold my breath as the door opens. I want to cry as I heard a voice speaking to unfortunately, familiar voice...

I'm terrible I know! That suspense is too much! Try not to die :b Who's in the room with me? Do they actually know I'm there? Will I make it back to my mom? Follow and watch for updates to find out! 

-Cc <3

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