Chapter 8: Orphanage is Not an Option

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We finally arrive at the police station. My nerves are killing me and I'm almost scared out of my skin. They take me in for questioning, but I can't keep a clear mind. All I can think about is my parents. I'm trying to remain calm, although I'm completely failing.

They pelt me with questions reguarding Emily and James. I really don't care about my leg, or the betrayal, or anything. All I want is my parents to be here. And safe. After they're done questioning me, they take me to a cell to stay for a couple days. All I can do is pray... 


A few mornings later, I wake up. I'm unhappy, confused, and missing my daily coffee routine. The police officer comes up to my cell and tells me goodmorning.

"Have you heard anything from the cop at my house yet?" I nervously ask.

"No not yet but it's also not his usual time to check in with us so we should just wait."

"Ahh okay" I turn my attention back to the ceiling of the room. It's cold, hard, and unhappy. I don't like it here. All I want to do is go home...

"Cierra get up, we heard from officer Thomas."

That's the cop at my house.

"Oh God what happened? Are they okay?!"

"No I'm afraid not...but I think you should come with me."

He unlocks my cell and takes me to the police car. Hearing that my parents were not okay, I lost it. They could not get me to stop crying. As we drive I can't help my wandering mind. Where will I go? My grandmother died years ago, my aunt is kind of crazy, and my sister is out of state... I don't know what I'm going to do. These negative thoughts do not help my anixety and sadness. 

We get to the hosptial and we're approaching what I was told to be my mom's room. 

I see her.

"Oh honey!" I fall into her embrace. 

"Mommy I've been so scared" I love calling my mom mommy, especially when there's a bad situation like this.

I ask her a question already knowing the answer. 

"W-Where's dad?"

"Sit down, we need to talk..."

The nurses and doctor leaves the room and all I can feel is the coldness.

"He was shot, two times to the chest. The doctors say he was alive in the ambulance, but died on the way here." 

"No mom. No. No no no! you're lying!" I stand. "Tell me you're lying. Please!" 

"I wish I was baby." I fall at my mother's bedside. I start to cry, but then stop. I go numb. This worries my mom but I block her out. I'm alone with my thoughts...

How dare they take away my biological father. The man I've looked up to for 15 years. The man that gave me everything I wanted. The man that looked after me and cared for me. The man my mom was in love with. Happily, in love with. How dare they! I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye... I loved my father so much. No one will ever understand the hurt, guilt, and vengeance I seek. This will not pass with an 'I'm sorry.' No. I'm out for blood.

I snap back into reality and finally responded to my mom. 

"Sorry I didn't mean to worry you, I just had to think for myself for a moment." Instead of pittying myself, I tend to my mother's broken heart. I can imagine how messed up she is aswell, having the perfect man of her life snatched away from her by some lowlives. 

"It's gonna be okay mom, We'll get through this together and come out of it stronger. Remember when you told me everything happens for a reason? Maybe this will make sense some day in the future. Probably no time soon, but it will. I love you mommy." 

We spend the next few days just recovering from the shock in the hospital, wondering what to do next.

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