Chapter 12: Dying Down

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"Did you miss me?" 


How the flying fuck did he get in? I think to myself, eyeing the keys in my hand. James lets me have not a second to think, he's already charging at me. 

I mimic the moves of the last action film I remember watching. I have to admit, it turned out quite badass if I do say so myself.

In between James and I stood a metal pole - like the kind kids played tetherball on in elementary. I quickly grasped it and swung myself towards my attacker, sending him flying back towards the garade door.

"No I really didn't!"I replied. 

At this point I'm dashing past him on the opposite side of the garage back outside, despite the burning sensation from the wound Emily left me. I know in the back of my mind that bleeding out isn't necessarily ruled out in my situation.

I hear the sirens of officer Underwood and his crew, but I can't see them yet. I still have to buy more time.

I turn back to see James scrabbling to his feet. No bueno. I decide that the safest thing is to get back to the tree that I first scoped out my house in.

In the time I made my plan, I didn't realize what I was - or who I was running into. Emily. I guess she picked herself up some how. I was sure that stab to the back would keep her down but I guess she's a bit stronger than what I expected.

She proved it too. When I finally turned back around to resume running, I smacked into her and we both went falling to the ground. She fell on top of me, giving her the advantage over me. Due to her being stronger than me, she held me that way.

There I lay, feeling like a lady bug under a fly swatter. There was nothing I could do.

"Nice work!" I hear another voice approaching.

This is how I die, isn't it?

"Looks like the scrawny girl has no karate moves now does she?"

I hate to admit that he was right, I was out of strategies.

"Well, well, well. Looks like it's time to finish what we started."

I see Emily hand the knife I stabbed her with to James.

"Don't worry, it'll be fast. You hope."  Emily had to get her last words in. Along with the menacing tone and smile.

I get nervous because I thought I'd come up with something by this time, but didn't. I start to panic as James gets closer with that knife. I get desperate.


"It's all your fault. It's all because of you."


You know me guys, I love to cliff hang! cx Thanks for reading and SO sorry for not updating sooner! -Cc <3

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