Chapter 2: The Beginning of the End

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Hey guys! Thanks for 11 reads and my first vote! It means the world to me! I was thinking today to myself that updates every week are going to be hard for me because I'm so excited to just write up a storm on here! Soooo my plan is to turn my real life timed book into a realistic fiction book. It may seem confusing, but keep reading to understand what I mean. I will do this chapter in realistic fiction form and see the feedback. Let me know! 

Chapter 2: The Beginning of the End 

"Monday's here, whoop!" I say in a sarcastic tone. 

I get up grogily and get dressed, I'm glad I was never a morning shower person so I can sleep a bit later than most people. I go downstairs and ruffle through my fridge. Unfortunately, nothing obliges my tastebuds. Hopes high, go back again in 5 minutes to see if anything has changed. Of course nothing. I gotta stop doing that!


As I begin to get closer and closer to school, the more and more people I see. Some very tall people, and some people that could literally be mistaken for an elementary student. 'GYM' the sign says. Oh great, here we go. I try my best to catch my breath and step inside.

Thousands of individuals crowd the gym. Did I mention my social anxiety? Heart racing. Palpitations. The feeling of "oh my god I'm going to puke." Gotta love it.

I step up to the desk where two guidance counselors were passing out schedules. Mentally reminding myself to breathe, I proceed to ask for mine.

I've heard so many rumors about the staff...campus... students, and the whole school in general! My mind is all over the place, and I'm sure by now I'm flooding my socks in sweat from the pressue building up inside of me.

"Here you go, have a good day." The male counselor tells me. Then motions the next kid.

As I read over my classes I mentally judge them: 

Hmm that class seems cool. 

 Omg why that class! Ugh!

It varied.

I panoramically searched the gym for familiar faces. It's unfortunate that I drifted from these people, I can't even call them my friends anymore.

'Hey guys!" I shout; almost sprinting over to the group. What can I say? Tired of being alone and anxious.

"Hey Cierra!" they all greet me with hugs.

I internally chided myself for joining these girls. I don't belong, nor fit in here. But it was better than being alone. 

Can I go home now?


The girls and I turn to each other, telepathically agreeing that whoever this coach was is an ass. We start walking out of the gym. Today is starting off all bad...


A/N: This story is a realistic fiction.

Definition of realistic fiction:  "Although untrue, could actually happen. Some events, people, and places may even be real. It may be possible that, in the future, imagined events could pysically happen."

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