| intr. waldensamkiet

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Synopsis [Extended]

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Synopsis [Extended]

waldeinsamkeit • the feeling of being alone in the woods; solitude and a connectedness to nature

One word to describe Addison Crickerly would be "Elegant". That is of course, because she was raised going to galas, dressed in fancy clothes, trained to be able to balance a book on her head while wearing heels, and speaking in such a manner that people thought she had politeness trained into her for 50 years. Although impressive, no one would expect anything less being the Minister of Magic's daughter. However, going to fancy ministry galas only was a small part of her, because her true passion was being outdoors.

The wilderness is a harsh environment, where animals fight to survive everyday and rain pours mercilessly. The forest is no place for a lady, as they have told her for seventeen years. Dirt gets on your dress, leaves get in your hair, and creatures threaten to rip you open with their sharp fangs. Proof of this was when in Addison's third year at Hogwarts, a horde of erumpents killed her father, leading to her mother prohibiting contact with any kind of creature over Classification II.

All Addison wants is to be out in the wild, where creatures big and small roam free and breathing comes more naturally. Somewhere where she can stop sucking in her stomach and rest her head against a tree to watch birds fly. However the only person who shares her passion is Newton Scamander, a shy guy who has an unreadable expression on while he ponders, who she teams up with to study magical creatures for a year so they can challenge the ban on magical creatures.

What she doesn't expect, is realizing that Newt's passion is far greater than her own and that she starts to fall in love with the blue-eyed boy, beginning with the fact that he makes her feel elegant even when she's facing the obstacles of the environment. After all, a lady is defined as being unapologetically resilient, despite everything she's been through.

Face Claims

Eddie Redmayne as Newton Artemis Scamander

Eddie Redmayne as Newton Artemis Scamander

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Odette Annable as Addison Diana Crickerly

Odette Annable as Addison Diana Crickerly

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Zoë Kravitz as Leta Lestrange

Stella Maxwell as Gemini Malfoy

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Stella Maxwell as Gemini Malfoy

Lucky Blue Smith as Keir McKinnon

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Lucky Blue Smith as Keir McKinnon

Lucky Blue Smith as Keir McKinnon

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1. Some of the characters are born either earlier or later just to fit in the story line.

2. Leta Lestrange is held as the antagonist in this story so please don't be offended if you like her in any way. (I kind of despise her)

3. Timelines have been changed to fit into the story making Newt older when he begins to write Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.

4. I ship Newtina so hard but this is just a backstory to Newt.

[first draft - November 2018]
[published - January 2019 — ongoing]

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