5.| calliope scamander

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Addison's wand started tapping her nose and she groaned, realizing it was morning. She took a yawn and a sour feeling came in her mouth. Squinting at the dim light form the sun, she grabbed her wand and made a face. Waking up was always the worst part of the morning unless you were having a nightmare.

The augernii were still sleeping, piled on top of each other like dolls, and their mouths slightly open. The way they slept made them look so peaceful, like stuffed animals sitting there. Her first instinct was to wake up Newt, who's head was resting against the wall of the cave. However he looked even more at rest than the creatures before them so she refrained.

Digging through her bag, Addison quietly pulled out her quill, ink bottle, and scrolls. She quickly sketched the outline onto a piece of paper, which was a little harder to do from the complicated position they were in. After another round of sketching, she finally outlined the augernii, then realized that she had no ink left. Even by scraping the ends of her quill in the bottle, she couldn't seem to get enough ink to continue drawing.

It had been around an hour, and her watch showed that it was almost 10. Newt slept like a rock.

It would be a good idea to wake him.

Examining him for the best way to wake up someone, she brought the feather part of her quill to his nose and waved it around. He quickly sneezed and his blue eyes fluttered open in surprise.

"Wakey Wakey. Come on, we have to go back to London today." She said in motherly manner.

Newt groaned and sat up, smiling uncontrollably after seeing the augernii piled on top of each other.

"We have to aperate all the way to the Britain and you need your energy." She told him, handing him a peppermint taffy to chew. During the trip, the closest thing they had to a toothbrush was a peppermint. Fresh water was to scarce to waste on brushing teeth.

After he took a swig of cold pumpkin juice, Addison handed him an apple.

"That is going to take some powerful magic." Newt swallowed nervously and rubbed his hands together. He didn't look so confident in his abilities, but she wasn't very confident in hers either.

"You don't think we can do it?"

"No, I just think whoever aperates is going to have one long nap." Newt's eyes gleamed in anticipation and he looked at the augernii once more. "Did you draw them yet?"

"Mostly, ran out of ink first. We really need to go." She said softly in order to keep the creatures asleep. "Where do we go?"

Newt gazed at the dim sunlight and he looked up, a positive sign he had an idea. "My place."


Newt's house was not what she expected.

Judging from the professional way he dressed and spoke, Addison thought he'd have a white mansion with white horses, picket fences, and thirty family portraits on the wall, kind of like Gemini's old home. After all, Newt came from a wealthy family though he didn't like to show it. Otherwise there would be no funding in the project at all.

The house of Malfoy was pretty much the worst place to spend a childhood in, children got caned and pure blood was the most important thing in the household. The only reason Addison could even step foot in that house was because she was the Minister's daughter. Although her father was a half-blood, her mother was a pure-blood Slytherin, also with extreme ambition leading her to such a place of power. There was nothing cozy about Gemini's house, even the children's play area filled with books of how pure-bloods were the kings of the world.

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