7. | meeting leta

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It took six days to finish the chocolates. Newt split the first chocolate, which was the size of a lime slice, and demanded that she take the bigger half. They argued for a few minutes, and even though she tried to take her stand on giving him the larger piece, it was clear that he wasn't giving up.

"Have the first bite." She replied steadily.


"Just do it!"

He nibbled a small peice off the chocolate and stared at her with a suspicious expression on his face, as if she was tricking him into something. She wondered if he was looking at her in such an odd way because he didn't trust her or he wasn't used to being treated first. A couple seconds later, his eyes widened and he tilted his head in consideration. She really hoped he liked it.

These chocolate were unbelievably expensive yet incredibly worth the price. If Newt didn't like the chocolates it would be rather sad, as it put a noticeable dent in their food budget. However it did appear that he liked it, and she sighed in relief, knowing she could eat her own chocolate as well. The familiar taste of pumpkin, caramel, pecans, and dark cocoa filled her mouth. A few flashes of the times she ate them with her dad replayed in her mind.

Although she'd never get to relive the moment, she decided to enjoy what was in front of her.

"I'm slightly starting to regret making you have the bigger piece." He replied with a light chuckle. His laugh was lighthearted, jokingly, but she still felt a twinge of guilt.

"Next time we'll use a knife to spilt it so it's perfectly even."

After six days had passed, Newt and Addie had literally found nothing in the space around them other than a few limping owls they nursed back to health. She was completely unsure of what to do.

"I want to go to Scotland."

Addie tilted her head towards Newt and wondered what he was up to. "Back to Hogwarts?"

"Remember back in our fourth year when we practiced duelled each other near the black lake and some strange creatures from the forbidden forest had come into the grounds?"

She nodded. It was always quite hard to read what Newt was up to.

"I'd like to look into more of where they are from. If er-that's ok with you."

"Ok Newt."

His eyes lit up as if he was surprised. "Really?"

"Yea." She gave a light chuckled laugh. It appeared to Addison that the reason Newt was shocked was because he wasn't used to having people agree with him. He was usually an outcast in Hogwarts, and sometimes it made her feel bad being the popularity princess. Many of her friends wondered why he wasn't in Ravenclaw because of his reserved nature, and she never stood up to defend him.

In the past couple months, she understood that his attitude and kindness towards creature really made him a true Hufflepuff, if not, the truest. He was so selfless, and asking for something seemed like a work of crime for him. "Erm, the closest place I think I can think of is Leta's cottage."

It was hard for Addison not to stiffen at the mention of the Slytherin. Whether or not it was a unjustified prejudice or a weird gut feeling, she always wanted to wither away around Leta. She always spoke with a scolding nature, and her coldness made her someone she felt uncomfortable around. It was hard when she constantly heard Newt talk about Leta so delightfully when she had her own opinions on his girlfriend.

The thought even made her feel terrible, but she wondered how he had a girlfriend in the first place. Although his slight amount of stuttering and his adorable lack of communication skills had grown onto her to a point where anything different would seem abnormal, Leta seemed like the type of person who wouldn't want someone like that. He was quite attractive, yet if he were to have a girlfriend, she expected someone like Kate Bennet, who was the stereotypical Hufflepuff: sweet, clumsy, cute, face full of freckles, hardworking, but not the brightest.

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