| pr. death of something else

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Addison had been trapped in Hogwarts for three whole hours. The only time she could stay in it for such a long period of time was when she was sleeping. Quite to her delight, she had Care of Magical Creatures with Professor Grifferlins, by far her favourite professor and also head of Hufflepuff House.

The cool air brushed lightly against her face and she grinned widely, only wrapping her face deeper into her yellow and black scarf. It was still amazingly in shape after three years of attending Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and wizardry. It was also because of the twenty-one protection charms she cast on it, to make sure the first thing she ever bought at Hogwarts would last her a lifetime.

Addison stopped for a moment just to enjoy the fresh air until she felt someone ram into her. The books she were clutching tightly dropped to the ground as she attempted to regain her balance. To her dismay, her magical book for her next subject unclamped and the book literally ran around the frosty grass, chasing a couple bugs. It's pages chomped around with the buckle flopping around like a small tail.

She wondered what it would be like to have a dog. Her parents didn't really want pets even though her father expressed an interest in magical creatures. She sometimes saw muggles leashing then and walking around with them, which made her feel sorry for the poor creature which wasn't free to run at its own will. However they all seemed quite happy when they were in the leash no matter how suffocating it looked

"Blimey I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you, I wasn't looking where I was going."

She turned around to see Newt Scamander, a boy in her house who was quite skilled in Care of Magical Creatures, just like she was. With shaggy caramel hair and turquoise blue eyes, it was hard not to have a curiosity for what was going on in the boy's mind. He wasn't very active in any school activities and the only person he was ever seen with was Leta Lestrange.

Leta ran past her and looked between her, Newt, and the book running around in laps. She parted her dark lips and giggled. "Newton, look, you did it again, causing more creatures to go running free. Appears as if you'll have a successful future."

Addison sighed and Newt quickly dropped his stuff. He quickly shot a few spells at it, which seemed to calm the book down but not enough for it to stop.

"That's not the correct way to capture the book." She told him formally but softly. The air tensed as he lowered his wand and turned his head towards her as if he was anticipating her to say something extraordinary.

"Pardon me?" He locked right into her dark chocolate eyes and she tucked a jet black strand of hair behind her ear. He seemed curious like he always was, but this time just a bit more. She didn't blame him, he almost knew everything about any magical creature.

"He's like a dog you see, quite clever, you have to call him toward you." She ripped off a piece of grass and held it between her thumbs. She closed her eyes and blew between her thumbs and a loud melodic tune rang out as she blew harder. The book suddenly belted towards her and leaped into the arms. Taking the chance to buckle the book, she snapped it shut and sighed.

"You can only do it with canary grass. I'm guessing they planted the species here because they knew the textbook would be hard to capture while going to class." Addison told Newt who was staring intently at his book as if he wanted to try it out at the moment. "Don't try it in case you can't perform the grass trick. Also multiple books may come running at you at once. I hope someone can invent a better way to make these books."

Next nodded and locked into her eyes again. "Sorry about that. I'm not usually-" He paused for a moment and considered his word choice. "Actually on second thought, I am quite clumsy, anyways, see you soon Addison."

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