3.| not an artist

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There was a soft feeling she felt, a indescribable feeling she would lose as she started thinking. She couldn't stop herself from thinking for she was only human, and the soft feeling of security when Addie first woke up had soon disappeared. Usually when she woke up, she was in the bed of her dorm back in Hogwarts, cuddled in a heavy yellow blanket. Even at home she woke up the same way; cuddled in a blanket and relaxed, either straight from a dream or imagining herself in someone's arms.

One thing was for sure. She wasn't even laying down.

There was no blanket draped on top of her shoulders, and her back ached as she opened her eyes, taking in her surroundings.

Her head was rested on a warm round something, and on her head was a scruffy something. Addie's head was on Newt Scamander's shoulder and his head was rested on hers. She tried her best not to freak out yet. He was already a close friend but knowing he had a girlfriend, it just felt too awkward having her head on his shoulder.

A rustle of wind brought her eyes move around to examine her surroundings and the only thing she could process through her drowsiness was the empty space beside her with nothing but a few stains of blood on the clay dirt. The corpse was gone and the rompo with it.

It was way too hard to keep calm now.

Addie ripped herself away from Newt and he jerked awake in surprise, landing his gaze towards her immediately. His turquoise eyes were wide with alert and when they landed the empty patch, then her distressed state again, all he did was chuckle.

"The rompo left a while ago, you fell asleep." He assured, brushing himself off and taking out his book. Addie scrunched her eyebrows together and looked at the book. "I have notes."

Without opening her notebook, she angrily glared at him. "Why didn't you keep me awake when he ate the corpse? I would want to see that."

"You looked at peace, I didn't wanna take that away from you. You could barely keep your eyes open."

She flipped to the page where he had another page of notes and a very poor drawing that looked like a fury elephant eating a ragged rug. "What's this?"

"My failed attempt of drawing a beautiful rompo eating a lovely human corpse. Great isn't it." He grinned in amusement at his own drawing. Just by looking at the drawing, she felt herself gagging in disappointment towards her new friend. Of course art could look like anything, but it was very hard to appreciate his work.

"Ok, you win, you are not an artist, now tell me about what it looked like." She grinned, taking out her quill and scribbling a rough shape of circles for her bottom layer of her sketch.

Newt explained how the rompo would crouch down and slowly eat every part of the corpse until it was completely gone. As he spoke with excitement, she felt bad for being so sleepy so she couldn't watch the miracle of the rompo. She finally finished her sketch and showed it to Newt.

"Is that what it's supposed to look like?"

Addie handed Newt a scroll of paper, which he widened his eyes at. She assumed he was impressed because she wasn't afraid to admit, she really was a good artist. Newt on the other had, was definitely not.

"That's exactly what it looked like." He chucked and handed her back the scroll.

She stood up and walked into the small linen tent. The musty air was disgustingly filling in her nose and she waved her wand to circulate the air a bit. Unfortunately, all the warm African heat replaced the conditioned air and she sighed, emptying a large packet of oatmeal into a pot of boiling water. It was 9:39, definitely time for breakfast. It was also definitely time for them to go grocery shopping again.

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